Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Organic Farming Can Not Feed The World Essay - 1740 Words

Ever since the Agricultural Revolution, farming has always been organic. As the human population grew, conventional farming, farming with non-organic methods (using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides), became prevalent to satisfy the population’s demand for food. Recently, organic farming has attracted consumers for its health, environmental, and agricultural benefits versus conventional farming, however, there is a debate whether organic farming can produce enough food to satisfy the current population of 7 billion people and future populations on Earth. Ed Hamer and Mark Anslow argue in â€Å"10 Reasons Why Organic Can Feed the World† that organic farming can produce enough food to satisfy today’s population, while D.J. Connor argues otherwise in â€Å"Organic Agriculture Cannot Feed the World†. Even though organic farming has plenty advantages over conventional farming, we should stick to improving conventional farming because the projections for orga nic farming that Hamer and Anslow use are misleading. Hamer and Anslow state 10 arguments on why organic farming can feed the world. The first argument they make is that organic farming yields exceed those of conventional farming. It has greater yields in less-industrialized countries, which â€Å"in an analysis of more than 286 organic conversions in 57 [less-industrialized] countries, the average yield increase was found to be an impressive 64 percent† (71). In industrialized countries like the United States, the University of EssexShow MoreRelatedOrganic Farming Can Help Feed The World And Will Help Maintain Soil1061 Words   |  5 Pagesbetween organic and conventional agriculture, despite historically low rates of investment in organic cropping systems. (Berkeley)† Organic agriculture has increased biodiversity. There is an ambition that agriculture can help feed the world and will help maintain soil (Berkeley). A student at Berkeley says, â€Å"Increasing that p roportion of agriculture that uses sustainable, organic methods of farming is not a choice, it’s a necessity (Kreman).† There are some things that are bad about organic farmingRead MoreSustainability Vs. Conventional Farming1299 Words   |  6 Pagessite-specific application. (Gold) The sales of organics are at an all time high, but the concern is that consumers do not know the true facts behind organic farming. Oftentimes, organics are said to be sustainable and are better for the public than conventional farming, but that is not true. Organic farming is not sustainable. 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Who are the authors and what are their qualifications? - First author, DiGregori has neither expertise or credential; he is a phD in Economics and does not have any experience dealing with agronomy nor didRead MoreHow Organic Farming Affects The Growth Of The Green Movement1061 Words   |  5 PagesUp until the 1920’s, most agriculture and farming was done organically. Farmers used products that were naturally earth made to control the weeds, pest, and help the soil maintain its nutritional value. There wasn’t any chemicals or insecticide until the Second World War, when the researchers discover that nerve gas was able to kill insects. The first insecticide was created in 1939 by Paul Miller. Since then organic farming has dramatically decreased and more insecticides has become extremely popularRead MoreThe American Farmer845 Words   |  4 Pagesconsume organic produce due to the thought that it is healthiest route. As an agriculturalist I want to make people aware of the risks and underlying conditions that they do not take into consideration when consuming organic commodities. When consumers hear the word â€Å"organic† they think the food they are eating is free of pesticides, hormones, and a plethora of chemicals, which is partly true. Farmers of all crops have to use pesticides to keep their crops alive; in the case of organics, farmersRead MoreAre Organic And Conventional Produce? Essay1226 Words   |  5 Pageswrote letters combating each other’s views on organic versus conventionally grown produce. They did agree on some aspects of organic, such as the environmental impact, but they also disagreed on the health benefits of organic and conventional produce. 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