Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay on American Music at the Turn of the 20th Century

To understand whether an ‘American’ music emerged out of traditions in the turn of the 20th century, we need to focus on the term ‘American’ and what musical genres fall under that category. For one, America, in a cultural sense, is seen as one huge ‘melting pot’, an amalgamation of cultures, ethnic traditions, beliefs and styles of music. It is very difficult to label one genre under the category of American music, as a vast amount of styles, in historical terms, have come about from a mixture of styles such as Jazz and Country music. Influences from a variety of ethnic backgrounds provided the chance for the growth and commercialism of genres and made them more mainstream. With the focus being on jazz and Country, it is made clear that†¦show more content†¦Again, having its foundations traced back to its southern origins, it became widely recognised by John Sousa, who blended both syncopated jazz with classical music brought over from across the pond. In terms of ethnic traditions, music which emerged from early black culture cannot technically be defined as American alone. These purely African styles of music, fused with slave culture, laid the foundations for Jazz (emerged from Blues) music but cannot solely be categorised as American. It was when the Creole population (black population who were born in America) began to develop in the mid-nineteenth century, along with merges from European classical music, that the genre, created by this ethnic group, was received as American. As time moved on, so did Jazz’s musical development. Its links with white-American musical styles increased in order to categorise itself as popular music. Despite the genre having its initial, strong African-American roots, and in 1850, almost one out of every six Americans was of African descent, (Crawford, 2001a, 249) the Jazz scene began to merge with white culture. 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