Thursday, April 16, 2020

Tortures in law enforcement structures of the Republic of Tajikistan

Introduction ?Eradication of torture is the deed of conscience of everyone and each person. Pain and suffering of each separate victim surmount the political, religious and cultural barriers, and therefore we, all of us, are obliged to put efforts and aspire to the one common purpose ? to human World whereat there is no place for torture?. (ICRVT, 1) The issues related to human rights have become the main component of everyday activity of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. During the independence years Tajikistan has ratified the significant number of international agreements, pacts and other legal documents in the area of human rights, thus being taken commitments to develop and protect various human rights and freedoms. As human rights are inalienable, all people without any exclusions posses and use them. Alongside with that sometimes there may appear a desire to deprive this or that group of people of their rights completely or partially. There is a viewpoint that a person who committed a crime or charged for a crime, he ignored the rights and freedoms of victims and thus deprived himself of all his rights and we can behave in the same way towards him. But let us not forget that if we shall deprive some certain groups of their rights and freedoms and subject them to tortures, by that we threaten after all our humaneness and violate hundreds-years established principles and norms of humanism. The torture is one of the violations of human rights which today the international community and human rights advocates all around the globe are most anxious of. What is it torture? One of the best definitions of torture is that written in Convention against torture (CAT) which runs as follows: ?Torture means any action in which to any person it is caused intentionally physical or mental pain or suffering for obtaining from him or the third person information or acknowledgment (avowal), to punish him or the third person for action(s) he did, and also to frighten or force him or the third person, or, by any other reason which is based upon discrimination of any form, when such pain or suffering inflicted by a state official or other person who is acting as an official character or by their solicitation or with their knowledge or tacit consent. (Jiffar, 6)? The torture is used as kind of punishment with the purpose of obtaining information or to force detained person to give testimony against him or to give avowal of guilt. And yet, the torture is used for frightening of detainees, for keeping them in a state of shock and in inaction. The main aim of torture is infliction of maximal possible physical and mental pain, however debarring death, and thereby to make detainee to give in.

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