Sunday, January 5, 2020

Politics Texas Political Culture - 1097 Words

Political Culture Texas political culture is one that can be described as a combination of three main ideas: individualistic, traditionalism and moralism. Considering Texas and its overwhelming 254 counties we can see these main ideas undoubtedly. The 254 counties each have their own general set of ideas, attitudes and beliefs. The whole state of Texas is simply not just considered individualistic, traditionalism, or moralism, it is considered all three. Individualistic, traditionalism and moralism are all strong values that coexist in our society and they all affect how we as the people live our lives. A political culture shapes a region’s politics. Texas has all three political cultures all over the state, but when people outside of†¦show more content†¦They were not all named George or Jeb Bush for no reason, â€Å"if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.† Individualism is the belief of self-reliance. Texas is also known for being on its own. Which leads to its famous saying, â€Å"you’ve got nobody to blame but yourself.† They are all about being the self-made man. An individualist prefers privacy, is suspicious of public institutions, and is an independent contractor. This attitude ties into our low active government. Government is sought out to be at low cost and out of the way of its voters. Texas government is very limited, and has a legislature that meets biennially. Due to our isolation, public education is under funded and is at its high in many court battles and legislative conflicts. The heart of individualism would be laissez-faire. In Britannica, laissez-faire is the policy of minimum governmental interference in the economic affairs of individuals and society. Laissez-faire is basically telling government to â€Å"leave them alone.† The whole concept is to keep minimum government interference in busine ss. Moralism is all about the community and a commonwealth. They are suspicious of private institutions and interests. An example would be social security, social welfare programs, and public education programs. A moralist is all about being equal with people, everyone needs a fair share. Austin Texas has a lot of business there. They are big or moralism because of its big community.Show MoreRelatedTexas’ Individualistic and Traditionalistic Culture: The Impact these Ideologies have had on Texas State Government and the Reasons People Support t1019 Words   |  5 PagesTexas is a unique place with a colorful history of legendary cowboys and tall tales. The state stretches over the middle section of the southern United States. Texas has experienced shifts in governmental control within the United States. French, Spanish, Mexican, and Confederacy, and all having once been in charge, not to mention the time Texas spent as an independent republic. 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