Saturday, December 28, 2019
Television Influence Essay - 2187 Words
Television Influence â€Å"Enter the Untouchables and Gun smoke. These violent action packed shows immediately captivated adult viewers. Motivated by the urgent need to try something different, networks stumbled upon the â€Å"violence formula†. This formula assumes that the more graphic and gratuitous the violence, the more viewers will watch. It works fairly well until real life becomes comparable to what’s on the screens. Then the novelty wears. And then the violence levels need to be increased,†(Grossman and Degaetano, 1999). Kids start watching violence at a very young age. Everyone says they want to stop the kid’s violence and they take all these actions like making programs and having assemblies, but one of the main sources is television.†¦show more content†¦She died a short time after. This just goes to show that kids truly don’t know the meaning of death. There are only 13 such studies out of approximately 2,500 which question the relationship betwee n television violence and youth aggression, and 12 out of those 13 have been done by the television networks themselves.(Grossman Degaetano, 1999). Top Gun Control Gun control is another crucial problem of school violence. There are way too many school shootings in America, the most notorious of these being the Columbine High School shooting. It was a Tuesday; the 110th anniversary of Adolf Hitler’s birth, and the school day had started just like any other day of school. No one could tell that there had been frustration and anger in the hearts of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. They went on like it was a normal day also, although they parked in other students parking spots and walked in the school with two black duffle bags. They were wearing long black trench coats which were a trademark of some of the students there called the trench coat mafia. It wasn’t until they started shooting, with the weapons they had carried in under their coats, that the students and faculty knew there was something wrong. Coach Dave Sanders risked his life to save many students while escorting them to safety. Eric and Dylan walked through the school he aded towards the library as the other students hid behind desk, storage rooms, and even bathrooms. The police and SWATShow MoreRelatedThe Influence of Television Essay601 Words  | 3 PagesThe Influence of Television Television is a source for top entertainment adored by all ages but the programs are influencing the eyes of the viewers both in a good and bad way. Violence, sex and bad language is currently shown at earlier and earlier times, leaving especially children prone to mature viewing. 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