Friday, July 26, 2019

Leadership and Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Leadership and Management - Assignment Example oup Problem Solving: Leadership and Motivation: The performance of different members in a business organization largely depends on the leadership style followed within the organization and the factors that motivate the employees personally. Employees may be motivated either by external factors like wages and rewards or by internal factors like their relationship with their work. Based on the different needs of different individuals, there are three motivational theories that are applicable for business organizations. These are the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Alderfer’s ERG Theory, and McClelland’s Theory of Needs (Nader n.d.). Maslow divided the needs of humans into five divisions that include their psychological needs, safety needs, relationship needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization. Psychological needs involve the basic needs of an individual like food, shelter, and clothing. Safety needs include security of jobs, a good working environment, and plans fo r pensions and insurances. Relationship needs reflect the need to socialize and have friends and companions around. Esteem needs are those that are more than the basic needs such as need for appreciation and recognition. Finally, self-actualization is the stage where an individual feels the need to pursue further to achieve something for his own. This need may completely vary from one man to another and tend to become individualistic in nature (Nader n.d.). Alderfer’s theory focused on an individual’s need for existence, thus requiring suitable conditions and materials; the need for relatedness that may be achieved through interactions and communications with others; and the need for growth reflected through their achievements and self-actualization. According to McClelland’s theory individuals feel... From the assignment presented by the researcher, it can be concluded that Lee, who was analyzed as the leadership manager of the company proved to be an effective leader as far as finding solution to the problems that were established from the start, such as customer dissatisfaction and employee motivation that was concerned. The researcher analyzed his recommendations and states that instead of ignoring the problem, the leadership manager surveyed and determined that a reward program might prove to be effective to motivate the employees towards effective performance that was lacking in the present situation. The leadership manager also proved to be a responsible leader trying to improve the performance of all the team members such that the organizational goals may be achieved. The proposal for a standardized method of recruitment that was described in the assignment can also be said to be an effective measure suggested by the manager for recruitment of effective people which is othe rwise not achieved through unstructured interview patterns. The researcher then mentiones that understanding the particular needs of employees and hence fulfilling them would be a better option for future improvement and successful work. Moreover, transformational leadership would be recommended in such cases as described in the assignment as it allows to establish better communications between the leader and the employees, thereby improving the relation and move towards more cognitive consensus for problem solving.

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