Monday, October 7, 2019

House Cats Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

House Cats Assignment - Essay Example It is true that training house cats can be a tough task however; house cats are best taken care of with time and patience. Positive reinforcement, love and affection are the best ways to help the house cat understand an individual. Pet cats often tend to misbehave with their owners if they are scolded or beaten up by them; they are like adolescent children that want to stay in their own element and not be disturbed by anything from the external environment. The first step involves helping the cat understand its name. Cats are often slowed down by distractions and get confused by too many objects in the vicinity. Thus, it is imperative to train the cat, with the help of treats, in order to help it recognize itself by its name. Furthermore, it has been found out what cats respond better to their owners when they show hints of joy or excitement in their voices. If a cat is spoken to gloomily, then it will cease to reply or be excited too. It is very important to train cats in a manner t hat they learn how to move around with the help of leashes or harnesses because then it becomes easy for the owners to travel with them and take them to different places. Cats are very agile and have very flexible bodies and thus they show resistance when being taught to move with a leash or a harness in the first place. However, they should not be restrained in a single place and should be given treats as and when they behave well with the leash. Cats need to be praised as and when they are placed in the harness in order to help them understand that they are doing a good job and will be rewarded well for their conduct. The cat should understand then that it is a good thing and pleases the owner when he stays inside the crate or the harness assigned to him instead of resisting it from time to time. This will help to discipline the cat and the method has usually worked better on cats as compared to dogs, which are nifty and frisky in nature. Cats are adorable creatures that usually k eep themselves busy no matter what time of the day it may be, or who may be around to play with them. Unlike dogs, they are easier to keep because they do not whine or become difficult when the owners are not around. Dogs on the other hand, require a great amount of attention and even while playing, they like to often play with the owners rather than by themselves. Thus, cats can be occupied with simple objects like bits of string and balls of wool from around the house. They like playing with objects like paper bags and small balls of foil and the best part about these items are that they can be found in and around the house itself. The owner need not spend time and money by looking for expensive toys for his or her cat, which the cat might eventually chew and tear up. Dogs on the other hand are difficult as they only play with balls or proper chewable toys, just like infants and toddlers. In conclusion, cats are adorable creatures that are immense fun to be around; they are not ve ry high maintenance as compared to dogs and thus make better house pets. Cats may be left alone or cuddled with and will remain loyal to the owners throughout their lives. They require love and attention however display a sense of understanding with their owners, better than any other domesticated animals. Therefore, people prefer owning house cats as pets because of these qualities that they possess, and the ease with which they may be handled and kept. Cats like exercising on their own and are not even as dirty as

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