Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Crusading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Crusading - Essay Example Thus, the crusade indulgence initially was identical to that ensured by the pilgrimage to the Holy places. The Crusades, which meant fighting for the defence of Christians, came to be considered as a work of piety. Political and military success was of little importance. Pope Urban II solemnly proclaimed the first crusade at the council of Clermont on 27th Nov. 1095 with a double objective, namely to relieve the pressure of the Seljuk Turks on the Eastern Empire and to secure free access to Jerusalem for pilgrims since the latter were abused and robbed by the Moslems and Arabs. He promised full remission of sins to all joining in the expedition. This call was in response to Alexius I call for help (Alexius Byzantine emperor - Byzantine Empire under attack from the Turks). This crusade was the most successful from the military point from the military point. The historian Raymond Agiles describing the capture of Jerusalem by the crusaders in 1099 wrote ''that some of our men cut off the heads of their enemies; others shot them with arrows, so that they fell from the towers; others tortured them longer by casting them into the flames. Piles of heads, hands and feet were to be seen in the streets of the city. It was necessary to pick one's way over the bodies of men and horses. However, these were small matters compared to what happened at the temple of Solomon, a place where religious services were ordinarily chanted. What happened there If I tell the truth, it will exceed your powers of belief. So let it suffice to say this much at least, that in the temple and portico of Solomon, men rode in blood up to their knees and bridle reins.''1 The Crusades took on a new meaning later on. It became a military expedition and no longer a pilgrimage of unarmed pilgrims. The Church moved away from the sole aim of the crusades which was the liberation of the Holy Land from the invasion of the Turks and it began using the Crusades to serve the church's own interest. Preaching of crusades became a device used by the church against the enemy states of the church. Personal enemies of the churches high-powered officials were sent on pilgrimages with the hope that you do not come back however, the means by which your death is brought about. The crusades increased the powers of European kings in that a number of barons who had given them trouble were sent to the east. Holy wars were authorised by the Popes in defence of the Christendom and the church. The crusades were used to defend the church against the infidels in the East, Germany and Spain, against heretics (Albigenses) and schematics who threatened catholic unity and against Christian lay powers who opposed the papacy. They were also used to defend the Papal States. The crusades started with a religious reason but it deteriorated to selfish reasons. These could be attributed to many reasons. The Papal States had to protect its territories from invasion by other states so it used the crusades as a papal military defence operation to defend these territories and the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Equity & Expectancy Theory of Motivation Essay Example for Free

Equity Expectancy Theory of Motivation Essay Motivation Explain Adams equity theory Adams’ equity theory is a motivational model that attempts to explain the relationship between what an employee puts into their job (input), what they get out of it (output) and the fairness and justice exchanged between the two (Cosier Dalton, 1983). Inputs include all factors that are perceived as necessary to obtain a return, such as effort, loyalty, hard work, commitment, skill, ability, flexibility, tolerance, determination, heart and soul, enthusiasm, trust in the employer and personal sacrifice. Whilst outputs include all factors that are seen as a return of the job such as financial rewards, perks, benefits, pension arrangements, recognition, reputation, praise, interest, responsibility, travel, training, development, sense of achievement and promotion (Cosier Dalton, 1983). A fair and equitable balance of the two are based on the employees own perception, thoughts and beliefs and are formed through comparing the employees own situation with other employees in the market place along with opinions and comparisons from colleagues, friends and partners (Kreitner Kinicki, 2010). Ultimate Software has been able to provide an equitable balance between the inputs and outputs of their employees through implementing some of the key principles of equity theory. For example they are providing a strong leadership role model through Scott Scherr-the CEO, they are being attentive to their employees’ perception of fairness and more importantly they are involving their employees in the decision making and policy process. In return this has promoted cooperation and team work within the company (Kreitner Kinicki, 2010). More specifically Ultimate Software application of being attentive and involving their employees was demonstrated when their employee suggested that they offer paid adoption leave to their employee and they consequently implemented the benefit (Kreitner Kinicki, 2010). This particular employee was about to adopt herself so she perceived that the output of â€Å"adoption leave† was a fair and equitable reward for her inputs of effort, loyalty, commitment, skill, ability and work (Cosier Dalton, 1983). Thus by listening and implementing her suggestion Ultimate Software met her sense of fairness. In addition they also conveyed to her a sense of   involvement with the decision and policy making process. Consequently the employee regarded Ultimate Software as a fair, observant and appreciative  employer. So much so that she has remained with the company for four years and has since used the â€Å"adoption leave† again. Conversely the company could have chosen not to listen to this particular employee’s suggestion. As a result Ultimate Software would not have implemented adoption leave and the employee would have felt that her inputs of effort, loyalty, commitment, skill, ability and work were out-weighed by her received outputs. This would have been even more apparent if another company in the industry offered such a leave for adopting children. Consequently the employee would have felt underappreciated and would have become demotivated. This would have resulted in the employee reducing their effort and application, and even seeking an alternative job, perhaps one where adoption leave was available (Cosier Dalton, 1983). Another example of the principles of equity theory at work in Ultimate Software is the use of benefit schemes to motivate employees. These schemes endeavour to provide employees with working conditions and policies that give additional rewards above and beyond the basic requirements to meet the perceived outputs of different individuals (Katzell Thompson, 1990). For example an employee who perceived education as a fair and equitable output to their inputs is able to benefit from the company’s annual tuition reimbursement. Whilst an employee who perceives providing health cover for themselves and their family as an equitable output for their input will acquire a sense of fairness and organisational justice through the use of Ultimate Software’s fully paid health premium scheme. These, along with the other schemes mentioned, cater for the differing perceptions, values and sensitivities amongst the company employees. This variation exists because what one employee sees as an adequate reward for their input may not even register with another employee (Blakely et al, 2005). We all have differing sensitivity and to achieve organisational justice and fairness between the inputs and outputs of individual employees the company needs to comprehend what makes their employees tick to enable them to perform their role (Wilson, 2005). Basically Ultimate Software has applied the principles of equity theory to motivate their employees. The company has provided outputs which meets their employees perception of fairness against what they input into the company (Katzell Thompson, 1990). This balance between input and output has not  only been achieved individually but also with in the work place and the industry. Consequently Ultimate Software has raised the level of employee satisfaction and performance. Explain Vroom;s Expectancy Theory Vroom’s Expectancy Theory is another motivational model but slightly more complex in its application. The model uses the three variables expectancy, instrumentality and valance to explain how an employee is motivated to behave in ways that will produce a desired combination of expected outcomes (Kreitner Kinicki, 2010). The first variable, expectancy is the belief that an ones effort will result in the attainment of desired performance goals and is based upon the employees past experiences, self-confidence and the perceived difficulty of the goal. The second variable, instrumentality is the belief that one will receive a reward if the performance expectation is met and is connected to the employees’ levels of trust in leadership, control over rewards and the company’s formalised policy. The final variable, valence is the value that one places on the rewards and is based upon an employee’s needs, goals, values and sources of motivation (Lee, 2007). It is Vroom’s belief that these three variables interact psychologically to create a motivational force that will cause employee to acts in ways that will bring pleasure and avoid pain (Pearson Hui, 2001). An example of Ultimate Software using the principle of expectancy theory to motivate their employees is through the use of their education benefit. For this to be a motivational force the three variables of expectancy, instrumentality and valance must be perceived by the employee to be met (Pearson Hui, 2001). That is to fulfil expectancy an employee will need to believe that their extra effort and time put into studying a degree, or similar educational course, will result in them completing the program. To fulfil instrumentality the employee must believe that   once completed they will be rewarded with either a higher pay and or a promotion within the company. And finally to fulfil the third variable valance, the employee will need to value that the pay rise and/or prom otion are important enough to apply extra effort and time. Basically they will need to desire the outcome enough so that they will achieve it (Pearson   Hui, 2001). Jose Chinea of Ultimate Software was able fulfil the three variables of expectancy, instrumentality and valence. Firstly Jose believed that the masters’ degree in management and information systems was achievable. Secondly he believed that the extra effort put into studying a master’s degree would lead to the reward of obtaining a promotion with Ultimate Software. And finally because he personally understood and valued education as an opportunity to grow he therefore believed that the efforts he put in, along with the rewards obtained from Ultimate Software, would be worth it. Conversely, if Jose was not able to fulfil any one of the three variables then there would be no motivational force for him to study and therefore use the educational benefit. This would happen only if he believed that he was unable to complete the master’s degree, the company was not offering a suitable reward and he perceived education and the rewards of education to be of no value. Conse quently, the internal attributes of the employee which incorporate their attitude and value systems are an extensive determinate of motivational force in the expectancy theory model (Pearson Hui, 2001). Another example of Ultimate Software using the principles of expectancy theory is the CEO’s, Scott Scherr’s leadership role (Isaac et al, 2001). Scherr adopted the principles to equip himself with tools to influence the psychological process resident in his employees. He implemented rewards systems that are uncommon. These rewards include matching 30% of employee superannuation contributions and also stock options and both are applied in an appropriate fashion to pull or influence his employees. This strategy enhances the level of personal motivation of his employees as they wish to maximize their own self interests. For example an employee who wishes to boost their retirement savings would opt for the reward scheme of matching superannuation contributions. Whilst an employee who wishes to boost their immediate wealth, or even just considers investing to be of value, would opt for stock options. In applying a strong leadership style Scherr has created an environment within his company that inspires his employees to achieve a level of performance that meets the company expectations, and even perhaps exceed the employees own personal expectations. This has been achieved through Scherr consciously choosing a leadership strategy that pulls rather than pushes  (Isaac et al, 2001). The positive implications of using a motivational model such as expectancy theory include reduced employee turnover, improved morale and higher productivity (Pearson Hui, 2001). For Ultimate Software this has resulted in the company obtaining the title of best medium company to work for in America.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

All About Adolf :: essays research papers

Adolf Hitler was born a child on April 20, 1889 in a â€Å"Modest Inn† located in the town of Braunavon, Germany. Hitler grew up in a household of seven people, five of which were siblings. He had a little brother Edmund. One younger sister named Paula. One older half-brother named Alois, Jr and one older half sister named Angela. This family of seven lived on a little farm located in Limbach, Austria. He had moved several times. The first time he moved it was to Braunavon, Germany. The second time he moved it was to Leonding.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Throughout his childhood he grew up watching war movies and playing â€Å"Cowboys and Indians†. He was adapted to a survival behavior since the day he was born, and many real life instances helped him grow that way. At the age of 16, his mother died from cancer. Later that year, Hitler’s father Alois, died from a lung hemorrhage. The death of his parents brought a new beginning to Hitler’s life, time to live on his own. Due to this tragedy, Hitler became homeless in Vienna, Austria. While in Vienna, Hitler tried to join the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, but he had happened to fail both times. Due to his failures in Vienna, this is the place he grew to hate Jews. While living on the streets, Hitler adopted a survivor instinct. At the age of 21, Hitler became keenly interested in politics. As some years passed he decided to move out of Vienna and into a town of Munich, at the age of 24. After moving, he was later tracked down by authorities in January of 1914. The cops decided not to press charges of refugee. While living in Munich, he applied for the World War. A process which would change his life indefinitely. The War was the type of a place Hitler was used to being in. He was used being in a fighting and battling scene. Therefore nothing was new to him. Hitler avoided several life threatening injuries during the War. Hitler’s attitude was better than the other 25-year-olds. Hitler never complained about bad situations or bad food. Hitler thought that this injury would have never happened if it weren’t for the Jews. He felt that the Jews were causing all of the German problems. While in the hospital for this leg injury, Hitler had been offered a Medal of Honor, but turned it down because the offer came was a Jew. All About Adolf :: essays research papers Adolf Hitler was born a child on April 20, 1889 in a â€Å"Modest Inn† located in the town of Braunavon, Germany. Hitler grew up in a household of seven people, five of which were siblings. He had a little brother Edmund. One younger sister named Paula. One older half-brother named Alois, Jr and one older half sister named Angela. This family of seven lived on a little farm located in Limbach, Austria. He had moved several times. The first time he moved it was to Braunavon, Germany. The second time he moved it was to Leonding.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Throughout his childhood he grew up watching war movies and playing â€Å"Cowboys and Indians†. He was adapted to a survival behavior since the day he was born, and many real life instances helped him grow that way. At the age of 16, his mother died from cancer. Later that year, Hitler’s father Alois, died from a lung hemorrhage. The death of his parents brought a new beginning to Hitler’s life, time to live on his own. Due to this tragedy, Hitler became homeless in Vienna, Austria. While in Vienna, Hitler tried to join the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, but he had happened to fail both times. Due to his failures in Vienna, this is the place he grew to hate Jews. While living on the streets, Hitler adopted a survivor instinct. At the age of 21, Hitler became keenly interested in politics. As some years passed he decided to move out of Vienna and into a town of Munich, at the age of 24. After moving, he was later tracked down by authorities in January of 1914. The cops decided not to press charges of refugee. While living in Munich, he applied for the World War. A process which would change his life indefinitely. The War was the type of a place Hitler was used to being in. He was used being in a fighting and battling scene. Therefore nothing was new to him. Hitler avoided several life threatening injuries during the War. Hitler’s attitude was better than the other 25-year-olds. Hitler never complained about bad situations or bad food. Hitler thought that this injury would have never happened if it weren’t for the Jews. He felt that the Jews were causing all of the German problems. While in the hospital for this leg injury, Hitler had been offered a Medal of Honor, but turned it down because the offer came was a Jew.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Steroid Usage Essays -- Sports Athletes Steroids Essays

Steroid Usage Why do so many people use steroids when there are so many health risks and side effects? Do people take steroids because they are not aware of all the risks? Not likely, steroids have been around since the 1930’s when Nazi scientists tried to invent drugs that would make German armies more powerful (Banks, Substance Abuse in Sport: The Realities, pg. 13-21). Though steroids were considered harmful and made illegal in 1991 (Berlow, Sports Ethics). Some side affects of steroids are baldness, high blood pressure, lowered sex drive, acne, nosebleeds, liver disease, kidney disease, and many more (Williams, Drugs and Athletic Performance, pg. 88-90). It may sound ridiculous and idiotic, to those who use steroids, with all the risks involved, but the temptation and pressures in using them are sometimes unbearable. In today’s society there are many pressures to be the best athlete and to look a certain way. Nobody wants to take second place, or look scrawny and wimpy. People w ant to be the winner and want others to turn their heads to look at them when they walk into a room. The fastest and easiest way to do that is to take steroids. People take steroids to be bigger and better at sports and also improve physical appearance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In today’s athletics, athletes are getting bigger, stronger, and faster. Whether an athlete plays high school or professional sports, it is getting harder for athletes to compete at a high level with all the competition. When an athlete is not good enough to make the team or is on a team and does not play much the athlete will do just about anything to improve themselves. Many athletes spend numerous hours practicing and lifting weights trying to get better at their sport, and still they lack what it takes to make the team or be the best. Steroids are the solution to their problems and a way to make their dreams come true. If you were offered the opportunity to lose body fat, get stronger, add more muscle within six weeks and have more motivation to work out more consistently then you do now, would not you try it? Sure it is illegal and it is unfair for all the other athletes who do it the hard way, but most do not care. Many young men are taking steroids a t a young age. Reports from the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission issued a report that steroid use increased 2.6 percent from 1997 to 1999. Also, a report from th... ...unless they take steroids. Should the athlete take steroids and be a starter, or do not take steroids and never play?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In today’s athletics, nobody wants to watch a losing team. Whether the person plays on a team, or an individual sport. People want to see their team or favorite athlete succeed. Everyone is getting bigger and better at the sports they play. Some of the pressure that athletes receive is from the fans.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are many pressures in society today. Some people take steroids so they will make the team or do better in the sport they play, and others just want to look good. The rest are pressured into taking steroids from there coaches, media, and even fans. Are taking steroids worth all of the risks involved? Well, for the people who take steroids they are worth all the risks. In athletics there is no second place; either you are a winner or you are a loser, and nobody likes to be a loser. There are many reasons people use steroids. Although steroids are not safe, people continue to use them. It is not right for people to use steroids, but as long as there are pressures to win, look good, and to get bigger and stronger there will be people using steroids.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

“Obasan” by Joy Kogawa Essay

The issue of racial conflict has caused great controversy for many centuries. Conflict which is incited by racism is often thought to be the worst of all conflicts because it is unfounded and based on utterly false beliefs. In society today, there are many racist people who put down and almost ostracize the people of another community. In Joy Kogawa’s novel, Obasan, the issue of racism is discussed through the various letters kept by Obasan which in turn provides a first-hand look at was done to Naomi’s family. In Obasan, there are many instances where the Joy Kogawa uses images of animals, such as insects, kittens and especially chickens to support a general theme of dehumanization. Also these animals always seem to correspond to human beings, whether they are generalized groups or individual characters. In other words, it is very apparent to see the foreshadowing of the story and also the close connection between the animals in the story and the human condition of the story, through the use of these vivid images of the animals. At the very beginning of the novel, when Obasan and Naomi are  rummaging through the attic and getting reminded about all of the memories, they come across a family of spiders. These spiders are described as being â€Å"round black blots, large as a cat’s eye† (24) and in a sense, disgusting enough to send shivers down any persons’ spine. This description of the black and creepy spiders is a foreshadowing of all of the memories that Obasan and Naomi have, as the memories and the plot itself is quite dark and horrific. There are many â€Å"large and black† memories that Naomi has such as the death of her mother and the incident in Old Man Gower’s bathroom. However, it is possible to assume that the blackest memories are the ones that deal with the racism towards the Japanese community. For example, it seems that everyone who has ever had an effect on Naomi, good or bad, has deserted her with time. Also, on the way to school, Naomi and Stephen are taunted and teased by the other school kids. Most importantly, the very way that the Canadian Government mistreated the Japanese community, sending them to concentration camps, putting them on trains and forcing them to live in tiny huts, is a cruel memory. This memory a will probably stay with Naomi for the rest of her life much like the ancient spiders in the attic. The part of the novel with the kitten trapped underneath the outhouse in another, quite disgusting look at the issue of racism. The thing that is so shocking about this part is that the white-haired girl blames Naomi for something that Naomi obviously did not do, throwing a kitten down in the outhouse. What is even more shocking is that the girl, the owner of the kitten does not go down and get her kitten, but instead leaves the kitten there to eventually die. The girl can represent the white Canadian and the kitten can be seen as a Japanese Canadian living in that society. The kitten is stuck in the outhouse, which can represent Canada. While it is down there, â€Å"no one is nearby†¦no one comes to help† (172) even though the cat makes â€Å"a faint steady mewing† (172). Since there is no one around the kitten will eventually be forgotten about. In other words, the Canadian government tries to get rid of the Japanese community by sending them to concentration camps where, despite all of the arguments and letters sent by Aunt Emily to be heard (the mewing), the Japanese community will probably be forgotten about as there is no one around. Another example of this animal imagery is when Naomi is standing alone in the backyard next to the cage of the white hen, she places one by one little yellow chicks in the cage with the hen. Suddenly and â€Å"without warning, the hen jabs down on the [chicks]† (62) consistently. Through the use of this animal imagery, the issue of racism is clearly apparent. For example, the hen can be seen as the white people living in â€Å"the cage† or Canada. Slowly, the Japanese people, in this case the yellow chicks, immigrate into the cage. Without doing anything wrong or anything that would anger the hen, or white people, the hen comes down and starts pecking at the chicks. In this part, it is possible to assume that the sole reason that the hen comes down on the chicks is that the yellow chicks have appearances different than the white hen. Also, there is a great deal of foreshadowing in this little part of the novel as the Canadian people will soon start ostracising the Japanese Canadian community with no warning at all. Not only will they ostracise the community, the Canadians, although they do not kill the Japanese like the hen did to the chicks, but the racism is so strong that they will send the Japanese on concentration camps away from all urban areas and even treat  them like animals forcing them into little tool shed houses covered with cow manure for a roof. Another example of the chicken imagery is in the school yard where a bunch of Japanese schoolboys are killing a white chicken. This imagery of the chicken suffering is one of the better examples of racism in the novel. This killing of the chicken can symbolise the anger that the Japanese community have against the white Canadians after the way that they have been treated. This hatred and anger is in fact so strong that it is not good enough to just kill the chicken, but they â€Å"got to make it suffer† (169). This is kind of ironic as well, because the chicken can be seen as the Japanese community and the schoolboys can be seen as the white Canadians. The Canadians in the novel continuously make the Japanese people â€Å"suffer† instead of killing them instantly as killing them or deporting them would affect the Canadian image. It is for this reason that the Canadians decide to torment the Japanese and try to cover everything up. In conclusion, Obasan, by Joy Kogawa deals with the issue of racism in a very efficient way by using unique images of animals to not only represent human beings in society, but also to help support the theme of this dehumanization. Racism in society is extremely awful as it is based on utterly false beliefs. In the novel, for example, all Japanese were considered to be evil people even though the Japanese living in Canada did hardly anything to the Canadians. Individuals of a certain community are being ostracized by other people for being of a certain race. Obasan, teaches us that we should not consider a certain community to be evil, but embrace the differences in society. In other words, Hitler was a fanatical German, however not all Germans are fanatical.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Journal Article Review About Stress In Universities, Students Article

Journal Article Review About Stress In Universities, Students Article Journal Article Review About Stress In Universities, Students – Article Example This paper reviews the article d â€Å"Relationship between stress coping levels of and their probability of committing suicide† (Ug˘urlu and Ona) taken from EBSCO. The article begins with a discussion of the process of stress which entails three phases of reaction to the alarm, resistance and exhaustion. The article points to the fact that individuals with an internal locus of control have higher self-confidence and can better handle stress. These individuals are less likely to commit suicide as opposed to those who blame situational factors for their failure (external locus of control). Studies conducted have discovered a direct relation between university students and depression, anxiety, stress, suicide and adaptation issues. The primary research used by authors of this article included a survey of 350 health students of the University of MuÄŸla (Ug˘urlu and Ona). After having analyzed the results of the research, the authors concluded that there was a high correla tion between suicide and stress levels of university students. Furthermore, findings revealed that the stress-coping ability of males was higher compared to females which have implications on suicide levels ultimately (Ug˘urlu and Ona). However, the research provided some contradictory insights with respect to gender and suicide levels; contrary to previous research results, this one proved that the chances of committing suicide were higher among males than females (Ug˘urlu and Ona). Since the research was conducted with respect to health students, the results also revealed that the ability to cope stress was higher for nursing department’s students than health officer students (Ug˘urlu and Ona). Another interesting insight that was revealed was that there was a direct relation between the students’ ability to cope stress and mother’s education level (Ug˘urlu and Ona). The higher the mother’s education level, the higher the student’s ab ility to deal with stress. Furthermore, it was discovered that students with single parents also suffered from social isolation which was a significant factor behind suicide (Ug˘urlu and Ona). Reference:Ug˘urlu, Nezihe and Neslihan Ona. "Relationship between stress coping levels of university students and their probability of committing suicide." Social Behaviour and Personality (2009): 1221-1230.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Frog A Prince

â€Å"frame† and â€Å"name†. Then in the next four lines, the author uses â€Å"wonder† and â€Å"under† to make a pattern of development. And in the next four lines he uses â€Å"read† and â€Å"bad† to connect each other’s meaning. . The author says the â€Å"frog’s cold frame† that make us wonder if the frame looks like in books or like the real frog she is holding. Also that girl doesn’t even know the name of that prince. Because it was a frog right before was replaced by a prince. There is one more line of note: â€Å"she too, in/ Her way, had been transformed under/ Those clean sheets ?† It makes us think what author wants to say. From the fairytale’s perspective, the princess kisses the frog and that is how the frog transformed into a prince, but here the author talks about how under those clean sheets, the frog is replaced by a prince. The author is clear about it what he was t... Free Essays on Frog A Prince Free Essays on Frog A Prince Most people know about the story of the Frog who is kissed by a princess and becomes a prince. This fairytale is interesting and wonderful to surprised children. The poem called â€Å" The Frog Prince† by writer by Robert Pack alludes to this tale. This is an interesting poem I find out in our book because it is interesting as well as easy to understand. Author Robert Pack writes down several books of poem. This type of poem is a sonnet, because it has 14 lines. It is divided by four different groups. Each group has meaning and usually first three groups talk about story and problems. The fourth group indicates the problem’s solution. This sonnet is a love story. In this poem the author talks about in first group (first four lines) about how the beautiful princess surprises herself that how it could be possible that frog could have a sweet and gentle body of a prince. How can princess tell that this frog is going to change into a prince? So in first four lines, the author uses some nouns that help to make a little rhythm. Like the words â€Å"frame† and â€Å"name†. Then in the next four lines, the author uses â€Å"wonder† and â€Å"under† to make a pattern of development. And in the next four lines he uses â€Å"read† and â€Å"bad† to connect each other’s meaning. . The author says the â€Å"frog’s cold frame† that make us wonder if the frame looks like in books or like the real frog she is holding. Also that girl doesn’t even know the name of that prince. Because it was a frog right before was replaced by a prince. There is one more line of note: â€Å"she too, in/ Her way, had been transformed under/ Those clean sheets ?† It makes us think what author wants to say. From the fairytale’s perspective, the princess kisses the frog and that is how the frog transformed into a prince, but here the author talks about how under those clean sheets, the frog is replaced by a prince. The author is clear about it what he was t...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What is the Minimum ACT Score for College

What is the Minimum ACT Score for College SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips There are a lot of numbers and scores associated with your college applications: GPA. Class rank. Maybe some AP Tests. Standardized test scores. It can be a lot to take in. If you’re taking the ACT, you might be worried about how you’ll do. What’s the worst score you could get? What’s the worst score you could get and still have a shot at your dream program? In this article, I’ll break down the lowest possible ACT score, and why you’re not likely to get it. Then I’ll discuss the minimum ACTscore for college admissions, how to choose colleges based on your score (whatever it may be), how to set a score goal based on your colleges of choice, and finally what you can do if you feel like your ACT score is too low for any of your desired schools. What's the Lowest ACT Score You Can Get? The ACT is scored from 1-36 on a composite scale. This means the minimum ACT score you could possibly receive- for example, if you showed up to the testing center and filled in every bubble on your entire scantron sheet- is a 1.The composite score is obtained from taking the average of your 4 section scores and rounding; .5 is rounded up. So to get a composite score of 1, you would have to get either 1 on each section score or three 1s and a 2. The average ACT score is a 21. The 25th percentile score is 16, and the 75th percentile score is a 24. This means that if you got a 16, you would have scored better than 25% of all test-takers. In the 75th percentile, you’ve scored better than 75% of test-takers, and so one. To give you an idea of how rare a score of 1 is, a composite score ranging anywhere from 1 to 11 would put you in the 1st percentile- meaning 99% of test-takers scored higher than 11. For individual sections, 99% of test-takers scored higher than 7 in English, 99% scored higher than 12 in Math, 99% scored higher than 9 in Reading, and 99% scored higher than 11 in Science.Even if you guessed on every question, you’d get a composite score around 11-13.Thus, it is very unlikely that you will get the lowest possible score- or even a score lower than 11- on the ACT. Even this guy got an 11! What’s the Lowest ACT Score You Can Have and Still Get Into College? Since it’s pretty unlikely that you would get the minimum ACT score, you might be more interested in knowing what is the lowest possible score you could have and still have a shot at getting into college. The answer to that question is that it depends- primarily on what colleges you are applying to, but also to a certain extent on your other qualifications. For more selective schools, you’ll need a much higher ACT score to have a shot than for less selective ones. If you’re aiming for an elite institution like University of Chicago or Princeton, you’ll need to score at least 30, and that would be on the low end for one of those schools. By contrast, you might still have a shot at a selective public school like University of Illinois with a 25 or 26. Smaller state schoolslocal to you often accept scores in the 18-22 range. In fact, public universities often have special admissions criteria for residents that allow or compensate for lower standardized test scores. For example, publicly funded Texas universities generally guarantee admission to those in the top 10% of any graduating high school class in Texas, although some have lowered the cap to the top 7 or 8% in recent years due to space concerns. You may still need to submit test scores for these schools, but they won’t keep you from being admitted. Specialized schools like art schools and music conservatories also often have lower standardized test requirements of their students, as a student’s creative work is the primary criteria for admission. Mime school only accepts your test scores if you can silently act them out. The truth is that it’s difficult to give a hard-and-fast rule as to the absolute minimum ACT score for college. Colleges and universities admit candidates along a range of test scores, although the band is narrower at more selective universities. However, you can get a general idea of what is the lowest score you could get and still have even a realistic chance at admission based on a great statistic called â€Å"the middle 50%.† The middle 50% is a statistic that most schools provide on their admissions websites that gives the test score range of the 25th to the 75th percentiles of their own admitted student pool (i.e. 25% of admits had test scores below this range, 50% had test scores in this range, and 25% had test scores above this range). This is a reliable way to figure out the scoring threshold necessary to be a viable candidate for admission. As to the lowest score you can get and still have a shot, I would say to place that mark a little (think around 1 point) below the bottom number of the middle 50%. Of course, if you pick a score that’s just a little below the 25th percentile, that does mean that people with a lower score than your â€Å"low score threshold† probably got in. There are always outliers and exceptions in the college admissions process- people who had other specific qualifications or strengths that the institution thought would be valuable. No doubt you also have unique strengths and talents that you should emphasize in college applications! But you should never assume that you are going to be one of the outliers who gets in with an ACT score at the lowest conceivable end of the admit range. That doesn’t mean don’t apply if your dream school’s middle 50% is 28-32 and you got a 26. Just be realistic that it’s quite areach school for you, and you’ll really need to differentiate yourself in other ways if you want to have a chance.By contrast, if your score is a decent cut above the 75th percentile mark (think 2+ points), you’re in a great position. Here’s a sample chart of some low and high marks as compared to some middle 50% score ranges. Sample Middle 50% Ranges and Low/High Scores Low Score Middle 50% High Score 12 13-16 18 14 15-20 22 20 21-26 28 21 22-28 30 25 26-30 32 27 28-32 34 29 30-34 36 31 32-35 36 So how is this information- about situating your own score relative to a school’s middle 50% of admits- useful? Well, it will help you choose which scores to apply to based on your own ACT score, by aiding you in identifying safety, match, and reach schools. Choosing a college is just like choosing a pumpkin, except completely different. Choosing Schools to Apply to Based on Your ACT Score If you already got your ACT score, you may be wondering how to pick which schools to apply to. In general, you’ll want to apply to some safety schools, some match schools, and some reach schools. A safety school is one where you are more qualified than the typical admitted student, a match school is one where you are as qualified as the typical student, and a reach school is one where you areless qualified than the typical student. This means that in terms of ACT scores, a safety school is one where your score well exceeds the middle 50% range (think 2+ points), a match school is one where you fall in within or just above the middle 50%, and a reach school is one where you fall in the bottom end of or just below the middle 50%. Very selective schools (think the Ivies, MIT, Stanford, University of Chicago, etc.) are a reach for everyone because they are so competitive. Let’s say Jared got a 24 on his ACT. How should we classify the following schools he is interested in: as safety, match, or reach? Northeastern Illinois University – middle 50% range: 16-21 With a score 3 points about NIU’s middle 50%, we can consider this one a safety school. Jared’s scores would put him the top quarter of applicants by a wide margin. Illinois State University – middle 50% range: 21-26 With a score right above the midpoint of ISU’s middle 50%, ISU would be a match school for Jared. Bard College – middle 50% range: 24-30 Because he is at the very bottom of the middle 50% range for Bard, we would consider Bard a reach school. Not a huge or unreasonable reach, but still a reach, as around 75% of applicants had better scores than Jared. He’ll really need for the rest of his application to be stellar. Depaul University – middle 50% range: 23-28 Jared is within the middle 50% at Depaul, but on the lower end (only one point about the bottom of the margin). This is one of those schools that sits right on the border between being a match and a reach. Just so long as you are applying to a variety of schools relative to your own test scores, it’s completely fine if an individual school’s classification seems a little ambiguous. Of course, there are other factors than test scores in choosing safety, match, and reach schools. Schools also usually provide information about the GPA and class ranks of their admitted students, so you’ll want to consider those as a factor as well. If you’re on the low end of the middle 50% in test scores, but way on the high end for GPA and class rank, it could be a match school.Unique talents or other interesting qualifications can also go a long way towards mitigating a test score that’s a little on the low end for a particular school. But what if you already have schools in mind, and you haven’t taken the SAT yet? How should you determine what score to aim for? Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. He should probably get an arrow if he wants to hit that target. Choosing a Goal ACT Score Based on Your Dream Schools You may already have some schools in mind before you take the ACT. In this case, you can use the middle 50% for those schools to set a target score for the ACT.An ideal target score would be the highest 75th percentile mark of the middle 50% among the schools you are interested in. That way, even if you fall a little short, you’ll still be well-positioned for the other schools on your list. First, make a list of all of the schools you are considering.When you have a complete list, look up the middle 50% range for each school. Then, you’ll note down the top number of the middle 50% - the 75th percentile- for each school. You can do this for total score, by section, or both- whatever is most useful for you. Note that some schools only report composite ACT scores and not section subscores. When you have all the necessary info noted down, find the highest score in the 75th percentile list.That's your target ACT score! Let’s work through an example. Here’s Alicia’s initial list of schools she’s interested in: University of Virginia Emory University Princeton University of Connecticut Syracuse University University of Maryland Johns Hopkins Now we’ll fill out our middle 50% table. An â€Å"n/a† means the school didn’t report the subscore. Sample Target Score Chart - Alicia Name of College/ University ACT English 75th ACT Reading 75th ACT Math 75th ACT Science 75th ACT Composite 25th ACT Composite 75th University of Virginia (n/a) (n/a) (n/a) (n/a) 28 33 Syracuse University (n/a) (n/a) (n/a) (n/a) 24 29 University of Connecticut (n/a) (n/a) (n/a) (n/a) 26 30 Emory University (n/a) (n/a) (n/a) (n/a) 30 34 Princeton (n/a) (n/a) (n/a) (n/a) 32 35 University of Maryland (n/a) (n/a) (n/a) (n/a) 29 33 Johns Hopkins (n/a) (n/a) (n/a) (n/a) 32 34 Target Score: 35 So given the schools she wants to attend, Alicia should be aiming for a 35 on her ACT. She’s got her work cut out for her! You can use the following table to do your own list: Target Score Chart Name of College/ University ACT English 75th ACT Reading 75th ACT Math 75th ACT Science 75th ACT Composite 25th ACT Composite 75th Target Score: By listing your match and reach schools and averaging their 75th percentile admit test scores, you can get a goal ACT score for yourself.But what if once you get your ACT scores back, it looks like every school is a reach? Are you out of luck? Did your four-leaf clover wilt? Based on My ACT Score, Every School I’m Interested in Is a Reach Let’s say you get your scores back. You open your scores. You look at your list of middle 50% ranges for the schools you are interested in. Your stomach drops- your score is at the 25th percentile or below for all of these schools! If your score is low enough that you are concerned about being accepted at any college you’re interested in, there are severalstrategies you might consider to address the issue: Prep for the ACT and Take It Again If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again! If you prepare for your test strategically, you actually can improve your score quite a lot. See our guide to the pros and cons of all prep methods. You might try atargeted, personalized test-prep program like ours, using the best ACT prep books, or tutoring. If you still have a few months left before your deadlines, taking the ACT again is probably your best option. Take the SAT Instead The SAT and the ACT used to be very different animals- enough that students would perform dramatically differently on them. This is less true now that the SAT has been revised, because it's now very similar to the ACT. If you are particularly weak in the Science test on the ACT, the SAT may be better for you; instead of having a dedicated science section it has some chart- and data-interpretation questions throughout. This could help you if you are just hoping for a little boost. Evaluate if You Need Testing Accommodations If you have a medical condition, learning disability, or psychiatric disorder, you may qualify for special testing accommodations for the ACT. If you are on an IEP or a 504 plan at your school, it is especially likely that you are both eligible for and would benefit from test accommodations. Bear in mind that the request process is time-consuming process so you need to start early- months before you are going to take the ACT again! Adjust Your Expectations If you score is too low for all the colleges on your list, look at some less selective colleges. A 26 is too low for Northwestern, but it’s a great score for Ohio State or the University of Iowa. It's likely that you'll be able to find less selective colleges that have the same qualities you are looking for. Some collegiate ivy, outside of the Ivy League. Apply to Schools That Accept Alternate Scores Some schools will accept AP Exam Scores or SAT Subject Test Scores in lieu of more traditional SAT or ACT exam scores. If you’ve already performed well on AP exams or you feel you could do well on particular SAT Subject Tests, this could be a good strategy for you.Examples of schools that accept alternate tests include: Colorado College - Accepts various combinations of AP, IB, and SAT Subject Test scores in lieu of the ACT/SAT. Colby College - Accepts 3 SAT Subject Tests in lieu of ACT/SAT. Middlebury College - Accepts 3 SAT Subject Tests in lieu of ACT/SAT. Hamilton College - Accepts various combinations of AP, IB, and SAT Subject Test scores in lieu of the ACT/SAT. New York University - Accepts various combinations of AP, IB, and SAT Subject Test scores in lieu of the ACT/SAT. See a more comprehensive list of test-optional and test-deemphazised colleges at Apply to Test-Optional Schools Still other colleges have implemented test-optional admissions. This means that, while you can send standardized test scores as a bonus or qualification with your application, they are not required. In this case, your GPA, course records, essay, recommendation letters, and other application materials will be the determining factors in your admission- not your test scores. Though a fairly newfangled notion in college admissions, several high-quality schools have implemented test-optional policies. This seems eminently reasonable in light of the fact that there are some courses of study where you may not take hardly any tests, and certainly not many long, grueling, marathon-style standardized ones.Test-optional schools are a particularly good strategy for applicants who are good students but poor standardized test takers. Schools that are test-optional include: Wake-Forest University, NC Bates College, Maine Wesleyan University, CT Bowdoin College, Maine American University, Washington DC Mt. Holyoke College, MA (women’s college) Sarah Lawrence College, NY (women’s college) Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania (women’s college) Smith College, MA (women’s college) See a more comprehensive list of test-optional and test-deemphazised colleges at Go to Community College If your score is low enough that you are worried about getting accepted to any college, you might consider starting out at community college. Most local community colleges are open to anyone in the area with a high school diploma or GED. You can start taking classes at a community college and then transfer to a 4-year university upon completion of your associate’s degree; your most recent transcripts in this case will be much more important than your standardized test scores. The august facade of Bronx Community College. With these strategies, you’ll be sure to find a college solution that works for you, no matter your ACT score. Key Takeaways The minimumACT score you could receive is a 1, although this is very unlikely to happen.You may be more worried about getting a score high enough to get into college. While it’s difficult to set any specific threshold that is too low for college, the more selective the school, the higher you’ll need to score. You can use a statistic called the middle 50%- the test score range of the 25th-75th percentiles of admitted students for a given school- to choose safety, match, and reach schools for yourself based on your score, or to choose a target ACT score based on schools you are interested in. If you find yourself with a low enough score that you are concerned about getting into colleges you are interested in, you have several options: Prep for the ACT and take it again Take the SAT instead Figure out if you need testing accommodations Adjust your expectations and apply to less selective schools Apply to test-alternate or test-optional schools If your scores are low enough that you are worried about getting into any college, period, you might go to community college. Ultimately, if you want to pursue higher education, there are strategies to make that happen in a way that works for you regardless of your ACT score. You'll find the right rainbow for you! What's Next? Check out our complete, free guides to ACT prep, all gathered in one place.Or maybe you'd like to know how important the ACT is as part of your application, anyways. Need help figuring out your college application timeline? We've got you covered. We'll also help you identify target schools, and figure out how many schools to apply to.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Financial Accounting Theory. Assignment 2 Essay

Financial Accounting Theory. Assignment 2 - Essay Example While accounting for sole trader and partnership are taken up only for the purposes of tax reporting, corporate accounting is widely shared across the world so that the information can be accessed by the various users who may be affected by such information. Naturally, with a wide user base, if the reporting is not done on certain specific guidelines, interpretations may widely differ thereby destroying the very purpose of reporting. To avoid such discrepancies, a framework of concepts have been developed which bind the information into understandable statements with the underlying obligation of â€Å"relevance, objectivity and feasibility† (Anthony & Reece, 1994). These concepts combined with the three golden rules of accounting viz. Personal, Real and Nominal form the language which conveys the same meaning to all the people (Shukla, Grewal and Gupta, 2008). A small description of these concepts would give a bird’s eye view on the basics of accounting language: Dual Aspect Concept: Any income is an outcome of some benefit foregone called the expense. As such, any asset is the result of liability undertaken to acquire that asset. The equation is Asset = Liabilities +Owners’ equity. Accounting Period Concept: Financial reporting has to be done for a particular period of time, usually for a year. All transactions which take place in that year have to be recorded in the books of that period. However, due to the increasing diversity of the nature of transactions, it becomes imperative that a periodical review of the set standards is taken up so that the book-keepers do not face any confusion while recording such transactions. For this sake, International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) and such account standards periodically to guide the users towards a standardized version of financial statements. After 2004, it was decided that issue of new standards are to be done only in compliance to the International

Friday, October 18, 2019

You decide Vancouver symphony orchestra Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

You decide Vancouver symphony orchestra - Essay Example Therefore, we have to reevaluate and determine their first priorities. The festive season comes with spending. Therefore, the company has to lay down proper strategies to boost the tickets sales. We look forward meeting everyone, any queries, suggestions and thoughts will be discussed in the meeting. The Vancouver Symphony Orchestra was one of the most established orchestras of the 1980’s. It had a large number of fans, who always flocked in events to attend their functions. It attracted both subscribers, former members and those that were never subscribers. Suddenly, there was a change of events after 1986 with a steady decline in ticket sales. This prompted the need to reexamine the reasons why there was a decline in ticket sales. A questionnaire was developed and apparently out of the 2400 questionnaires only 614 respondents completed. Subscription revenue was on a steady decrease, which was a matter of high concern. There is the need to try and outline the reasons for the sudden decline of the orchestra, their cause and the possible ways of solving the problem. There is also need to assess the positives and negatives of this market approach. Over and above, identify the strengths of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra and the possible reason that led to its bankruptcy with the basis to the data that is available and also provide the proper recommendations needed. In this article, the personnel in charge will try to identify, evaluate and scale down the specific preferences of all the groups of persons that attended the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. They will also come up with possible solutions to solve the situation. They will also address issues concerning proper event planning and timing that suits most of the clients, need to inquire and know the number one priorities by the clients, their preferences and tastes and device ideas that are centered towards redeeming the fame of VSO and

Advance Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Advance Accounting - Essay Example ncome is generally identified as a construct that causes an entity’s money supply to increase for a specific period of time (Auger, Burke, Devinney, & Louviere, 2003). The means which help the organization in increasing cash reserves is called an asset whereas, the source that causes the money supply of the company to drain is known as expense or liability. The expense occurs when an organization has to pay money in order to keep its daily operations running and this particular head includes salaries of employees, utility bills and other office related short term costs. However, the liability is of two kinds. The first one is called short term liability that has to be paid within one year while the other one which is usually of a long term nature and has to be paid over the tenure of more than one year. The companies always attempt to keep its expenses and liabilities less than the value of income. The notion of income changed a great deal whereas, other business models emerged that included no tangible product but they started to sell services such as hotels, medical professionals and even psychologists. The revenues are generated against rendering services to the customer base in the industry (Badelt & Weiss, 1990). In the past times, services industry was not a common way of making a living but now it is considered the most lucrative one regarding its ability to help people in generating income. The professional lenders are also lending their money in order to obtain substantial level of return on the base amount. The capitalists are making money with the help of lending their financial resources to others and interest income is realized as a consequence. The traditional income’s definition is modified and now one does not have to do anything for anyone in order to make obscene amount of money (Greve & Salaff, 2003). The professional lenders have accumulated financia l power by either inheriting the wealth or they managed to make money by hard working in the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 33

Business Law - Essay Example In circumstance 1 (c), private and criminal law suits are involved. They serve a purpose of guaranteeing personal freedoms. This is because carrying guns in public is meant to enable the licensed individuals to secure the freedom of ownership of their assets such as money and cars while in public places. Moreover, violation of the terms of use of their guns leads to disputes between them and their governments. Lastly, in circumstance 1 (d), private and civil laws are involved. They serve the purpose of ensuring social justice. This is because disputes arising between potential employees and their employers would be addressed by private law. Moreover, the civil law ensures that all individuals enjoy equal economic rights hence deserving equal consideration during hiring (Browne, 2). In scenario 2, precedent refers to a principle that had been established in a previous legal case that is persuasive to a court judge when deciding subsequent cases with similar facts. On the other hand, stare decisis refers to the act of abiding to the decided cases (Browne, 4). Precedent will help the judge in deciding whether to close the different business for similar instances of misconduct through examining the applicability of the previously established rule in the current scenario. Correlation between the current and the previous cases will influence the judge to abide by the established rule. As a businessperson, knowledge of case law relevant to my business would help me make decisions regarding a shift of my business location. In scenario 3 (a), historical school of thought would help the judge to recognize the gay partner as a surviving spouse. The school of thought considers past principles established on a particular case to be influential in deciding the current case. Therefore, since there are other States that consider gay partners as surviving spouses the judge can also decide to follow suit. On the other hand,

The use of rehabilitation as the dominant model for corrections Term Paper

The use of rehabilitation as the dominant model for corrections - Term Paper Example ce system that what goals to emphasize, what programs to offer, and what model to follow are issues being continuously debated upon, especially so that number of offenders is in continuous rise, bleeding off American taxpayers millions of dollars just to maintain correctional facilities. The irony of the picture, wherein the victims’ (mostly taxpayers) money is spent for their offenders (mostly unemployed), also illustrates the dilemma of corrections as to which should be emphasized: retribution or rehabilitation? The answer to this illustrates how one understands criminal justice. Meaning, what should be the primary consideration in choosing a model for corrections: Would it be political, financial, practical, legal or ethical considerations? In other words, what is ethical may not be politically advantageous, may be too expensive, may not be legal or may be too hard to achieve. But are these considerations justifiable? To think as such is a mockery of criminal justice, becau se as Sherman (1981) explains with certainty, criminal justice decisions are primarily moral decisions (as cited in Gold, 2012, p. 12). To render justice then is upholding what is right. Within this premise, this paper argues for rehabilitation as the dominant model for corrections for various reasons as discussed below Corrections are traditionally perceived to function primarily as an institution for the following four major goals. One is retribution – to justly punish offenders. Underlying this goal is the belief of ancient and biblical origin, ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’ (cited in Clear, Cole & Reisig, 2010, pp. 70-73), which means that every criminal offense deserves just punishment. Offenders should be punished according to the severity of their crime. Thus it would be unjust to give capital punishment to someone caught for simple misdemeanor, because the punishment is more severe than the crime committed. In the same way, it would be unjust to put simply on

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 33

Business Law - Essay Example In circumstance 1 (c), private and criminal law suits are involved. They serve a purpose of guaranteeing personal freedoms. This is because carrying guns in public is meant to enable the licensed individuals to secure the freedom of ownership of their assets such as money and cars while in public places. Moreover, violation of the terms of use of their guns leads to disputes between them and their governments. Lastly, in circumstance 1 (d), private and civil laws are involved. They serve the purpose of ensuring social justice. This is because disputes arising between potential employees and their employers would be addressed by private law. Moreover, the civil law ensures that all individuals enjoy equal economic rights hence deserving equal consideration during hiring (Browne, 2). In scenario 2, precedent refers to a principle that had been established in a previous legal case that is persuasive to a court judge when deciding subsequent cases with similar facts. On the other hand, stare decisis refers to the act of abiding to the decided cases (Browne, 4). Precedent will help the judge in deciding whether to close the different business for similar instances of misconduct through examining the applicability of the previously established rule in the current scenario. Correlation between the current and the previous cases will influence the judge to abide by the established rule. As a businessperson, knowledge of case law relevant to my business would help me make decisions regarding a shift of my business location. In scenario 3 (a), historical school of thought would help the judge to recognize the gay partner as a surviving spouse. The school of thought considers past principles established on a particular case to be influential in deciding the current case. Therefore, since there are other States that consider gay partners as surviving spouses the judge can also decide to follow suit. On the other hand,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Skills and Experiences Acquired In the Past 12 Months Lab Report

Skills and Experiences Acquired In the Past 12 Months - Lab Report Example Likewise, in the mastering my new language skills, I listened to the podcast as it enabled me to develop a positive feeling for the language in question while also allowing me to learn more and more words. The use of such devices like the podcast enabled me to understand how different sentences are put together hence enabled me to learn my new language skills just like a baby learns to talk a mother’s language (Dyer, Gregersen & Christensen, 2011). Through my inquiry for innovation networks, I found it important since it is like to develop skills for discipline because fostering innovation skills in any area is greatly dependent on the disciplines taught. This will include having the grasp of technical skills, skills in thinking and creativity, behavioral and socials skills. Likewise, through the inquiry, I would like to develop skills in pedagogies which will constitute problem-based learning at the site, cooperative learning, and meta-cognitive learning. This will be tremendously essential to me because it will enable me to focus on different aspects of innovation like design thinking amongst others. In addition, throughout the inquiry, I would like to attain the skills of assessment in order for me to develop and assess various creativity aspects and other habits of the mind related to innovation. Lastly, I would like to develop the skills for international mobility through the inquiry because it will be crucial in enabling me foster skills I have acquired from different sources to match those of the globalized economy (Kuhlthau, Caspari, & Maniotes, 2007). My contribution in the learning process towards innovation networks would be placing myself at the center of what happens in all situations. This will enable me to achieve both cognition and growth as I will be self-regulated hence able to control my mind and emotions to  set various realistic goals and monitor my progress throughout the process.  

History of Mathematics Essay Example for Free

History of Mathematics Essay If D is between A and B, then AD + DB = AB (Segment Addition Postulate). And segment AB has exactly one midpoint which is D (Midpoint Postulate). The midsegment of a triangle is a segment that connects the midpoints of two sides of a triangle. Midsegment Theorem states that the segment that joins the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and has a length equal to half the length of the third side. In the figure show above (and below), DE will always be equal to half of BC. Given ? ABC with point D the midpoint of AB and point E the midpoint of AC and point F is the midpoint of BC, the following can be concluded: Since the tangent of circle is perpendicular to the radius drawn to the tangency point, both radii of the two orthogonal circles A and B drawn to the point of intersection and the line segment connecting the centres form a right triangle. If and are the equations of the two circles A and B, then by Pythagorean theorem, is the condition of the orthogonality of the circles. A Saccheri quadrilateral is a quadrilateral that has one set of opposite sides called the legs that are congruent, the other set of opposite sides called the bases that are disjointly parallel, and, at one of the bases, both angles are right angles. It is named after Giovanni Gerolamo Saccheri, an Italian Jesuit priest and mathematician, who attempted to prove Euclids Fifth Postulate from the other axioms by the use of a reductio ad absurdum argument by assuming the negation of the Fifth Postulate. In hyperbolic geometry, since the angle sum of a triangle is strictly less than radians, then the angle sum of a quadrilateral in hyperbolic geometry is strictly less than radians. Thus, in any Saccheri quadrilateral, the angles that are not right angles must be acute. Some examples of Saccheri quadrilaterals in various models are shown below. In each example, the Saccheri quadrilateral is labelled as ABCD, and the common perpendicular line to the bases is drawn in blue. For hundreds of years mathematicians tried without success to prove the postulate as a theorem, that is, to deduce it from Euclid’s other four postulates. It was not until the last century or two that four mathematicians, Bolyai, Gauss, Lobachevsky, and Riemann, working independently, discovered that Euclid’s parallel postulate could not be proven from his other postulates. Their discovery paved the way for the development of other kinds of geometry, called non-Euclidean geometries. Non-Euclidean geometries differ from Euclidean geometry only in their rejection of the parallel postulate but this single alteration at the axiomatic foundation of the geometry has profound effects in its logical consequences. The Lobachevsky geometry is therefore consists of these statements: ? There are lines that are parallel which are everywhere equidistant. ? In any triangle the sum of the three angles is two right angles which is 180 degrees. ? Straight lines parallel to the same line are parallel to each other. ? There exist geometric figures similar with same shape but of different size to other geometric figures. ? Given three points, there is a circle that passes through all three. ? If three angles of a quadrilateral are right angles, then the fourth angle is a right angle. ? There is no triangle in which all three angles are as small as we please. ? There exist squares or equilateral quadrilaterals with four right angles.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Formations And Techniques In Soccer Physical Education Essay

Formations And Techniques In Soccer Physical Education Essay Different type of formations may be used depending on the skill of the opposite team but also whether the team is playing more attacking or defending. A 4-2-4-1 formation is a soccer formation with only one striker upfront. The striker is the player located highest up the field, his main task is to score goals for the team. Before we could analysis the 2 players in the case, we would like to look at some of the tips to be a good striker. A good striker must be able: Kick the ball in the goal (good at striking). A striker who can score goals on a regular basis will become important to his team. As a striker, he needs to learn to score with all different parts of the body. Shot on Site (aiming). In today game, scoring opportunities are so rare as compared to last time, so when the striker has the chances to shot, dont wait. In addition, good strikers must constantly running (good agility and speed), trying to create spaces and taking risks. It only takes one. Many strikers will beat players and create space for themselves, but yet hesitate to shoot in front of goal. Figure 1 below shows the no of times both the player score a goal, saved with 2 hands and blocked. Preliminary analyses from Figure 1, revealed that player B tends to score more goals (13) than player A (8), since the coach are looking for a striker, the ability to saved with 2 hands and blocked are not so important as compared to the ability to score. Figure 2 shows the no of chances both player A and B missed by shooting the ball wide away from the goal post, shooting the ball too high in front of goal post and missed a goal even in front of the goal post. As observed, player A tends to have higher misses (12) than player B (2), in terms of shooting the ball wide. The different of shooting the ball too high is not too great among the 2 players. In summary, as compared to player A, player B is a key returning scorer, who averaged a healthy 13 goals in the last season. His expertises on attack puts extreme stress on opposing defenses. He is sharp on the goal, seldom placed the ball wide. However, he tends to have some misses when he is near the goal post. The final choice: Player B to be selected. Figure 1 Players able to score Figure 2 Players not able to score Part B What is periodization? Periodization is defined as a process to structure the training program into phases, where athletes will train progressively and with variety. In general, a standard periodization plan consists of macro cycle (2-4 months), meso cycle (2-6 weeks) and micro cycle (5-7 days) which last for at least 12 months. Tudo Bompa is the man who improved the training system invented by the USSR, the improved periodization system stressed the importance of having different training stress throughout the year rather than to maintain a constant training plan. Using this method, Tudo Bopma has produced 11 medalists in various Olympics including 2 gold medals and 2 World championships for: track and field and rowing (Wikipedia, 2010). The importance and relevance of periodization in sports Many times, athletes are no longer motivated to train because they realized that their sport performance have not improved, no matter how hard they train hard. Having periodization is the way to change the athletes training program at regular intervals so that the athletes can work harder. Periodization can be applied to many various sport ranging from cycling, marathon, rowing and it can be used it on both male and female. Periodization training, in particular includes 7 different major components, they are technical, strength, power, speed, anaerobic, aerobic and mental. A study conducted for 34 women at the Human Performance Laboratory at Ball State University has proved that a periodized strength-training program can give better results than a non-periodized program The women in the periodized group have gained more in lean muscle, greater reductions in body fat and more strength gains than the non-periodized group after 12 weeks (Marx, J.O, 2001). Factors that affect periodization Periodization plan can be affected by several factors, these includes training stress and non training stress. Athletes undergo training or competition too intensively will usually become fatigue after sometimes. Fatigue is one of the factors that affect the athletics sport performance; hence coaches developing the periodization plan must includes management of fatigue also. Athletes are human after all, they will get sick and injured sometimes, when athletes are sick they are no longer able to continue and follow the periodization plan. Other non training stresses are: Lack of financial support from family or association, Lack of motivation from the athletes themselves, Social environment like countries at war, unrest, Too much travelling that causes sickness among some athletes. Description of the success of the periodization plan The success of the periodization plan is when all the athletes are able to complete all the competition that the coaches have planned, with no injuries and sickness, they are able to achieve their peak sport performance and win medals for the countries, clubs etc. Training plan for Mark Figure 1 Macro Cycle for 12 months for Mark in 2010 2011 Observations in relation to the skills, motor abilities and types of training in a training plan for Mark. According to Dr Ivan Astori (Dr Ivan Astori, 2010), a full knee reconstruction surgery is a major operation. Patients like Mark will experience high degree of pain after the operation and pain medication will be needed for the first 1 to 3 days. He will be able to sit in a chair and walk with crutches within 1 to 5 days. Mark will then undergo rehabilitation and physiotherapy till he is able to straighten out, flex and bend his knee. Next, he will be able to swim after 2 weeks of the surgery. After 2 to 3 months, the patient will be walking, biking and golfing, although running and jumping are discouraged. A full recovery to full strength is expected to take up 6 months. A successful soccer player like Mark, he needs to rely on the precise coordination of stability, agility and power production, hence during the periodization cycle, needs such as proprioceptive and kinesthetic awareness components must be heavily trained so to put him back into competitive level. In addition, footwork drills are also important for him because of the numerous quick and rapid changes in direction and speed that occur during the match. With all these in mind, a periodization plan that includes different frequency, different intensity, time of training and type of training like aerobic, anaerobic, speed, power, strength, technique, tactics, will need to plan for him. Specific objectives on the various phases of training/cycles in his training plan. A typical English Premier League season will start in Aug and ends in May next year, hence the periodization plan has to start in Sep and end til Jul when the new season starts in Aug. The periodization plan for Mark were broken into different meso level like General Preparation, Specific Preparation, Pre Competition, Competition, Recovery cycles as shown in figure 1 and also the different volume and intensity level. First, in the general preparation cycle which last for 5 months, since Mark is still recovering from his knee surgery, all the training will be concentrating on building his overall strength, improve his mental skill and aerobic level, but the level of intensity and volume must be maintained at low level (e.g. range 1 to 2, as shown in figure 2). The types of training could include swimming, cycling, weight training and slow jogging. All the training will be increased progressively from 1st to the 5th month without the comprised of the players injury. Second, in the specific preparation cycle which last for the next 5 months, Marks training will be concentrating on Speed, Power and Mental skill, however as compared to the previous 5 months, the intensity and volume will have to slightly increase by 1 tick. The job of training speed in soccer can be very complex and it must be planned properly. Here are some of the attributes that will make a better player: Speeding quickly off the mark Accelerating quickly over 10-15 yards Good speed endurance Fast possession of the ball Fastness of feet or agility Able to change direction quickly The ability to execute skills quickly Fast in thinking (Sporting Excellence Ltd, 2010) The types of training are as follow: At the start of a training session, speed training like speed drills that completed over short distances with rests can be conducted, e.g. 6 X 25 meters each (500 meters total) with 2.5 minutes rest between each rep. Soccer players must have the ability to maintain high levels of speed, even when tired, speed endurance e.g. run a long distance 150 yards at full intensity (90% 100%) with full recovery 15 minutes between each repetition. The types of Power training for Mark are weight training that includes high intensity, high weights and fast moving reps. The weight training will accomplish two of the main goals for the players; they are injury prevention and improved performance. Third, in the pre-competition and competition cycle which last for 1 month and 8 months respectively, emphasis should be given to technique, tactical, mental skill and anaerobic training. Technical training should include improving the skill of kicking, dribbling, passing, shooting, throw in and heading. The 2 major components of soccer tactics are how to attack and defend. Tactical drills are executed in training sessions to develop an understanding of the tactics to be used in the next games against the weaknesses of the opposition team. The most popular type of anaerobic training for soccer players is interval training. This helps the soccer players to develop strength through short bursts of speed in a variety of actions such as stopping, turning, and directional changes. Lastly, in the recovery cycle which last for at least 1 month, there are several methods can be apply to the players such as complete rest, like taking a 1 week break without any soccer training, go for massage, there are some positive effects of massage, these include relief of muscle fatigue and reduction of excessive swelling. Relaxation techniques can also improve the players ability to focus. Also, go to see a doctor for any physical damages to the players body. Figure 2 Volume Vs Intensity for the Macro Cycle Tapering Tapering is defined as the practice of reducing exercise in the days just before an important competition, tapering is used in many endurance sports, such as the marathon, athletics and swimming. A significant period of tapering like a week or more is essential for optimal performance. During tapering, volume, intensity, load of the training should be reduce so that the players can achieve peak performance during the game. Specific intervention strategies to improve Marks movement skills and fitness. The following are some of the strategies help to improve Marks movement skill and fitness: To build up the strength and endurance of his leg muscles, in particular doing weight training for quadriceps and hamstrings. The type of weight training for quadriceps are squats (3 sets of 15 reps), lunges (3 sets of 15 reps), leg extension, leg lifts , leg press and for hamstrings are leg curls, leg dead lift, lunges. To improve his cardiovascular conditioning, Marks need to move his body with his large muscle groups over a sustained period of time. these exercise can be cycling, swimming, jogging, circuit weight training.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Oil and world Economy Essay -- essays papers

Oil and world Economy Question: Examine the oil industry in relation to the world economy, utilising any economic theory / theories you think appropriate. One of the most important energy resources since human invested the machine is oil and its products. But as all resources scarce, oil is limited even more. Only few countries in the world have oil fields and produce oil for the rest. Therefore, in nowadays where factories, cars and oil-fired central heating increased significantly, oil has become a necessity for the society. People’s demands for oil and its products, fuel, gas and oil for central heating is unlimited, but supplier countries produce a fixed number of barrels of oil everyday so as to maintain a technical shortage and, of course, higher profits. These few countries are the oligopoly of the industry, have a market leader and there are barriers to the entry of new countries (Sloman 1997 : p.124). These countries are dominating the market of oil and created the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in 1960’s. OPEC is an intergovernmental organisation that offers stability and prosperity to the petroleum market. Membership is open to any country which is a great net exporter and which shares the same ideas of this organisation. OPEC has now 11 members and supplies more than the 40% of the worlds oil market. The price of oil over the last year has increased approximately over 100%, reaching the highest levels over the la...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Kant Essay -- essays research papers

Immanuel Kant, a supporter of capital punishment, offered us of the most complicated, if not ambiguous, views on the subject. In fact, he would’ve ironically disagreed with its modern proponents. Those who advocate capital punishment today often do so for utilitarian reasons. For example, the death sentence would protect society by not only preventing a purpertrator from committing the same crime again, it would also deter others by setting an example. Kant would’ve argued the rights of the condemned are being trampled; by using him as an example, we are using him as a means to an end. A rational being, in Kant’s view, is an end in himself, whether criminal or law-abiding citizen. We would thus be violating his humanity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Kant’s view of ethics, actions must be undertaken from a sense of duty dictated by reason, and no action performed for appropriateness or solely in obedience to law or custom can be regarded as moral. Moral acts are done for the â€Å"right† reasons. Kant goes on to describe two types of commands given by reason: the hypothetical imperative, which dictates a given course of action to reach a specific end; and the categorical imperative, which dictates a course of action that must be followed because of its rightness and necessity. The categorical imperative is the basis of morality and was stated by Kant in these words: â€Å"Act as if the maxim of your action were to become through your will and general natural law.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Reason, through the categorical imperative, would render such motives immoral; nevertheless, if a man is guilty, it would also dictate that he must not escape punishment. Otherwise, not only is justice being flaunted, but equality, which Kant sees as the basis of law and order, will not have been served. When selecting a punishment, equality becomes our standard. But what in Kant’s view, is equality?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To answer this, we must first understand his concept of jus talionis—the right of retaliation. In essence, there are two parts to this. One, Kant argues that a punishment must fit the crime. He would argue that the degree of suffering inflicted on the victim should be inflicted on the perpetrator. Two, if one commits a crime, he is exposing himself to the danger of his actions. If crime were to become universalized, and therefore acceptable, what is... ... way, to prove that our principles, based on perception, can be rationally applied. Because of this inability to prove our rational perception and thus a moral principle based on that perception, we are unable to demonstrate whether our motives are truly correct. To Kant, these principles can be proven through his transcendental arguments, but there remains the fact that he agreed sensory (and thus transcendental) experience could not be accepted as fact. Because of his lack of definite statement, Kant fails to prove through his arguments that correct thought or action can be universal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  People attempt to describe good based on virtuous thought. Virtuous thought supposes that a virtuous person has a fairly explicit concept of what is moral. Kant’s perception skews the person's thought because each person perceives an event (whatever the event may be) differently. It is this difference in what people perceive that creates opposing viewpoints on morality whether virtuous or not. Any attempt to provide a universal ethic to the community is impeded by the community itself. Not only was it an impossible task in Kant's time, but it is still impossible today.

Assisted Suicide

Matthew Donnelly was a man who had loved life, but Matthew Donnelly became a man that wanted to die. For the past thirty years, Matthew had conducted research on the use of X-rays. Now, skin cancer was consuming his tortured body. He had lost his nose, his left hand, two fingers on his right hand, and part of his jaw. He was left blind and was slowly deteriorating. The pain was unrelenting. Doctors estimated that he had a year to live. Lying in bed with teeth clenched from the excruciating pain, he pleaded to be put out of his misery. His pleas, however, went unanswered because of existing law in the state of Texas. One day, Matthew's brother Harold, who could no longer ignore Matthew's repeated cry for mercy, removed a . 30 caliber pistol from his dresser drawer, walked into the hospital and shot and killed his brother. Harold was tried for murder. (Santa Clara University article) Had assisted suicide been legal in Texas, as it is in Oregon, Harold would not be in the position he is in today. Oregon was the first State to pass the law. In 1997 the Death with Dignity Act was implemented. This piece of legislation enables a competent adult who desires to end their life access to a lethal dose of medication which they administer themselves. In order for a person to qualify for assisted suicide in Oregon, they must be a legal adult and be capable of understanding the consequences of their decision. They must also have a prognosis of six months or less to live due to a terminal illness and have the backing of a registered physician (Volker, 2007). We have a moral obligation to relieve the suffering of our fellow human beings and to respect their right to die with dignity. Throughout most of our country today, terminally ill patients lie with incurable diseases and without the means to end their own suffering because the government tells them they can’t. These patients can only look forward to lives filled with yet more suffering and degradation. When such people beg for a merciful end to their pain and indignity, it is cruel and inhumane to refuse their will. Compassion demands that we give these people the choice they currently don’t have. Despite the clear need for a national death with dignity law, assisted suicide remains a controversial topic in today’s society. Opponents of the right to die act have many arguments against euthanasia as the right of all citizens. Some argue that only God is the true owner of when a person should come to their natural end. Others make the case that someone in seat of a terminally ill patient would not have the capacity to make a rational decision and could be negatively influenced by an immoral or poor physician. In response to the critics, I say this. We live in the land of the free and nobody should be able to violate an individual’s freedom by forcing their personal beliefs or spiritual beliefs on others (just as it is written in the Constitution! . Furthermore, as a proponent for assisted suicide I would argue that it is well within an individual’s rights to decide when and how they want to die. Why I understand the concern for patients being taken advantage of, I consider this a problem to be solved as opposed to an impassable wall. Let us come together to create a system, like Oregon, that protects terminally ill patients from being taken advantage of when they are most vulnerable while preserving the rights of those same citizens to choose in what manner they will meet their end. Harold’s story has proved that making it illegal to die when you choose to can lead to desperate acts by either the patient themselves or in this instance, a close family member. We should have the freedom to choose how we live our lives. Whether or not we want to end our lives early or let an illness take its course and let us die naturally are highly personal decisions and an instance where individual opinions are not welcome as law. People deserve to leave this earth with their dignity intact. How that is accomplished should be a personal choice, not subject to public opinion.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Synthesis And Characterization Of Strontium Ferrite Environmental Sciences Essay

Strontium ferrite is a ferromagnetic stuff and reported as holding hexangular magnetoplumbite type ( M-type ) construction. It is the most widely used lasting magnets throughout the universe, which account for approximately 90wt % of the one-year production of lasting magnets. In this survey, the Sr ferrite is synthesized utilizing sol-gel methods and the magnetic belongingss were analyzed. Chapter 1 gave debut about the construction of M-type hexangular Sr ferrite. Besides, some general magnetic belongingss will be discussed. Commercial applications of Sr ferrite would be discussed every bit good. Chapter 2 is all about the experimental inside informations, including the man-made techniques used for Sr ferrite, description of instrument used and processs carried out. Chapter 3 concentrated on the consequences on magnetic susceptibleness of hexangular Sr ferrite. Comparison between Sr ferrite and cation-substituted Sr ferrite was made. Chapter 4 concluded the whole probe of this survey. Suggestions for future surveies were besides discussed. Better apprehension of the belongingss and practical applications of Sr ferrite can be achieved through this survey.AbstractionThe belongingss of magnetoplumbite type ( M-type ) hexangular Sr ferrite has been investigated. The effort of permutation of Co ( II ) oxide and Ti ( IV ) oxide in order to bring forth a quaternate system of the type SrO-Fe2O3-XO where Ten represents the dopant cation was made. The synthesis is based on sol-gel method where ethene ethanediol is the gel precursor. This technique was employed because it was found to be able to bring forth nanoparticles of cation substituted Sr ferrite. Furthermore, sol-gel method can bring forth high outputs of Sr ferrite atoms. Overall, the magnetic belongingss were observed to be alteration after the cation permutation. Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) permutation in SrFe12O19 with different ratios were made in this survey to look into the consequence of cation permutation in magnetic belongingss of Sr ferrite. Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) permutation in Sr ferrite with mole ratio of 0.4 showed the best magnetic belongingss that we desired for. The mass susceptibleness where X = 0.4 was found to be increase aggressively compared to the unsubstituted 1. Except the Co Ti permutation with mole ratio of 0.4, other cation permutation ratios showed lessening in mass susceptibleness which is non desirable. Therefore the cobalt-titanium permutation for SrCoxTixFe12-2xO19 with X = 0.4 is the best to better magnetic belongingss of Sr ferrite for assorted commercial applications. Reappraisal Strontium ferrite has been a topic of uninterrupted involvement and intensive survey for several decennaries due to the fact that this compound has been the the most widely used lasting magnets, which account for approximately 90wt % of the one-year production of lasting magnets since shortly after its find in the fiftiess. Strontium hexaferrite, SrFe12O19, is a ferrimagnet and is besides known as ceramic lasting magnet. When compared with alnico-magnets, Sr ferrite has high coercivity, moderate remenance, corrosion opposition and first-class chemical stableness [ 5 ] . Iron ( III ) oxide ( Fe2O3 ) is the chief constituents in SrFe12O19 which gives rise to its magnetic belongingss. Within the five different crystallographic sites of Sr ferrite, the Fe ions are coupled antiferromagnetically. Due to its high magnetocrystalline anisotropy field in its construction, SrFe12O19 exhibits high impregnation magnetisation and high coercivity [ 1 ] . The high magnetic permeableness in Sr ferrit e enables it to hive away strong magnetic Fieldss, which is stronger than Fe. Strontium ferrite is frequently produced as nanoscale size pulverization, which can be sintered into solid nucleuss. Strontium ferrite has been used for several of import industrial applications, such as lasting magnets, microwave devices and high denseness perpendicular entering media, with proper doping in order to better belongingss of Sr ferrite [ 1 ] . SrFe12O19 has besides been investigated as a medium for magnetic recording and magneto-optical recording and for long ( millimeter ) -wave devices [ 2 ] . Attempts have made to the development of fresh man-made methods which facilitate the production of all right hexangular ferrite atoms and to possible ways of cut downing their high intrinsic magnetocrystalline anisotropy. The aim in this survey was to try the synthesis of cation substituted M-type hexangular ferrite SrCoxTixFe12-2xO19 utilizing the sol-gel method. The sol-gel method has been used widely to bring forth all right atoms of a assortment of oxides. The consequence of doping Sr ferrite with Co ( II ) and Ti ( IV ) oxides to bring forth quaternate systems of SrO-Fe2O3-XO, where Ten represents the dopant cation would be tested. The all right atoms of cation substituted ferrite produced by utilizing sol-gel technique is desirable because the grain size of the stuffs used in magnetic recording is the chief factor finding the degree of background noise at low denseness. Magnetic belongingss of Sr ferrite would be focus in this survey. Magnetic susceptibleness balance would be used to find the mass susceptibleness for both strontium ferrite and cation-substituted Sr ferrite produced utilizing the sol-gel method. The mass susceptiblenesss of the samples were compared to find the optimal sum of cation needed to dope to ferrite to give the best magnetic behavior.CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF M-TYPE HEXAGONAL SrFe12O19Harmonizing to crystalline construction, hexaferrite can be classified into four types, these include M, W, Y and Z types hexaferrites which correspond to ( SrO + MeO ) : Fe2O3 ratios of 1:6, 3:8, 4:6 and 5:12 severally. SrFe12O19 is classified as M-type hexaferrite. The hexangular SrFe12O19 was foremost prepared by AdelskA?old in 1938 [ 2 ] . He besides confirmed that the crystal construction of this compound to be iso-structural with the of course happening ferrite mineral magnetoplumbite, and hence it has the M-type construction. Subsequently structural polishs for Sr hexaferrite have confirmed his finding [ 2 ] . Strontium ferrite is classified as hexangular ferrite. It is denoted as holding the infinite group P63/mmc. Harmonizing to the research made by Kimura et Al, the lattice parametric quantities measured are found to be: a = 0.588 36nm and c = 2.303 76nm at room temperature [ 2 ] . As shown for M-type hexaferrite BaFe12O19 in Fig. 1.1, the crystalline constructions of different types of hexaferrites are unusually complex. The unit cell contains 10 O beds. A unit cell is consecutive constructed for four blocks, they are S ( spinel ) , R ( hexangular ) , S* and R* . The S and R blocks have tantamount atomic agreements and are rotated around the c-axis at 180A ° with regard to S* and R* blocks. Roentgen or R* block consists of three O2a?’A beds while S or S* block contains two O2a?’A beds ; with one O site in the in-between bed substituted by a Ba2+A ion [ 16 ] . The construction of Sr ferrite is similar to that of Ba ferrite, by merely replacing the Ba ion with strontium ion. Fig.A 1.1: A Structure of Ba hexaferrite Occasionally, a unit cell is comprises of two formula units. The unit cell consists of 64 ions per hexangular unit cell, which are 2 strontium ions, 38 O ions and 24 ferrous ions. The construction of magnetoplumbite are made of a bed of hexangular close jammed agreement of O and Sr ions, which is sandwiched between two spinal blocks incorporating a three-dimensional close-packed agreement of O atoms with Fe atoms. The Fe atoms are positioned at five interstitial crystallographically different cation sites of the close-packed beds, viz. 4f1 ( tetrahedral site, A sites ) , 12k, 4f2, 2a ( octahedral sites, B sites ) and 2b ( rhombohedral bipyramidal site ) [ 15 ] . The tetrahedral Fe oxide is FeO4, octahedral Fe oxide consists of six O ions, which is FeO6, and the expression for rhombohedral bipyramidal Fe oxide is FeO5. A conventional M-type structural representation and the five Fe3+ sites are shown in Fig. 1.2 by Collomb et Al. [ 15 ] . Figure 1.2: The crystal construction study map of the hexangular M-type stage and the five Fe sites with their milieus are displayed. The 2b sites merely occur in the same bed with strontium ion. 12k site is the octahedral site of S and R blocks. There are two tetrahedral ( 4f1 ) sites and one octahedral ( 2a ) site in Centre of S block. The two octahedral ( 4f2 ) sites are found in the R block, adjacent to the strontium-containing bed. The M-type construction of strontium ferrite gives rise to its magnetic belongingss. Cation permutation to strontium ferrite may give opportunities whereby changing the construction and therefore act upon the magnetic belongingss.MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF M-TYPE HEXAGONAL SrFe12O19Strontium hexaferrite is a ferrimagnetic stuff. Since the free negatrons in SrFe12O19 are in close propinquity and remain aligned even the external magnetic field have been removed, it is able to retain a lasting magnetic field and is recognized as ferrimagnetic stuff. In 1950s Gorter predicted that the Fe ions at the rhombohedral bipyramidal ( 2b ) and octahedral ( 2a, 12k ) sites have their spin orientation antiparallel to that of the Fe ions at the 4f sites [ 2 ] . The antiparallel 4f1 and 4f2 and parallel 2a, 12k and 2b sublattices form the ferrimagnetic construction. The magnetic ordination corresponding to the magnetoplumbite construction of hexangular Sr ferrite is good illustrated in Fig. 1.3. In S block, the bulk I ±-sublattice consists of four octahedral ions and the minority I?-sublattice contains two tetrahedral ions whereas R block contributes three octahedral ions and one rhombohedral ion to the bulk sublattice and two octahedral ions to the minority sublattice. Figure 1.3: The conventional construction ( left ) of the SrFe12O19 with Gorter ‘s magnetic ordination ( in-between ) along the c-axis. The big unfastened circles are oxygen ions, the big broken circles are Sr ions ; little circles with a cross inside represent Fe ions at 12k, little circles incorporating a filled circle inside represent Fe ions at 4f2, little unfilled circles represent Fe ions at 4f1, filled little circles represent Fe ions at 2a and little circles with a unfilled circle inside represent Fe ions at 2b. The magnetic construction suggested by Gorter is shown on the right, where the pointers represent the way of spin polarisation. From Fig. 1.3, we can sum up the sites of Fe ( III ) ions matching to the spin way, as in Table 1.1. Site Coordination Occupancy Direction of spin polarisation 12k Octahedral 12 Up 2a Octahedral 2 Up 2b Trigonal Bypiramidal 2 Up 4f1 Tetrahedral 4 Down 4f2 Octahedral 4 Down Table 1.1: Fe ( III ) ion sites in M-type hexangular ferriteHysteresis LoopThe magnetic belongingss of Sr ferrite can be examined through hysteresis cringles. Hysteresis cringle can be measured utilizing instruments such as Vibrating Sample Magnetometer ( VSM ) and SQUID Magnetometry Measurements. When a magnetic stuff is placed in a magnetic field, the flux denseness ( B ) would dawdle behind the magnetising force ( H ) that causes it, and this signifier hysteresis cringle. From a hysteresis cringle, we can place the magnetic belongingss of the stuff, they are saturation magnetisation, remanence or besides known as remnant magnetisation, and coercivity. A typical hysteresis cringle is good illustrated in Fig. 1.4. Figure 1.4: Typical hysteresis cringle ( B-H curve ) Initially, there is no applied magnetic field and it is known as unmagnetized province. After magnetic field is applied, it causes alignment. Until maximal magnetising force applied, maximal flux denseness achieved at the same clip and this phenomenon is known as impregnation magnetisation. At this point, the maximal figure of spin has mobilized. Saturation magnetisation is defined as the maximal possible magnetization of a stuff. It is besides a step of strongest magnetic field a magnet can bring forth. The unit of impregnation magnetisation is in amperes per metre. Strontium ferrite is holding high impregnation magnetisation at which it can hive away high sum of magnetising force. As the magnetizing force being easy removed, the alliance stays at the point where H = 0, this is known as remnant magnetisation. Remnant magnetisation is the magnetisation left in a lasting magnet after an external magnetic field is removed. When a magnet is â€Å" magnetic † , it has remanence. I t is normally measured in unit Tesla. Strong lasting magnet such as Sr ferrite has high leftover magnetisation which means the high sum of magnetic force remains in it even after the magnetizing force is removed. As signifier Fig. 1.4, negative magnetic field is applied to demagnetise the lasting magnet. When the flux denseness ( B ) = 0, there is no magnetising force remain in the magnet and the negative H needed to demagnetise the magnet is known as coercivity. Negative H is the magnetic field applied in opposite way. Coercivity is measured in unit amperes per metre. Due to its high uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy with an easy axis of magnetisation along the hexangular c-axis in the construction, SrFe12O19 has high coercivity. Anisotropy is directional or orientational effects in crystal construction of stuffs which can supply better magnetic public presentation along certain preferable axis. Therefore, we need to use high negative magnetising force to demagnetise Sr ferrite. Attempts have to be made to take down down the coercivity of Sr ferrite for use. Unit of measurements in Magnetism The units used in magnetic attraction can be divided chiefly into two classs, SI system and c.g.s system. The transition table shown in Table 1.2 is to clear up the magnetic attraction expression in both SI and c.g.s systems and the transition factors between them. Measure Symbol SI Unit SI Equation c.g.s Unit c.g.s Equation Conversion Factor Magnetic Initiation Bacillus tesla ( T ) B=A µo ( H+M ) gauss ( G ) B = H+4IˆM 1 T = 104A G Magnetic Field Strength Hydrogen ampere/meterA ( A/m ) H = NA-I/lcA ( lc – magneticA way, m ) oersted ( Oe ) H = 0.4IˆNA-I/lc ( lc – magneticA way, centimeter ) 1 A/m =A 4 IˆA-10-3A Oe Magnetic Flux I ¦ Wb ( Wb ) I ¦ = BA-Ac ( Ac – country, m2A ) Mx ( M ) I ¦ = BA-Ac ( Ac – country, cm2A ) 1 Wb = 108A M Magnetization Meter ampere/meter ( A/m ) M=m/V ( m- sum magnetic minute, A V- volume, m3A ) emu/cm3 M=m/V ( m- sum magnetic minute, A V- volume, cm3A ) 1 A/m = 10-3A electromagnetic unit / cm3 Magnetic Permeability of Vaccum A µo newton/ampere2 A µo= 4IˆA-10-7 1–4IˆA-10-7 Induction Liter H L=I?oI?N2Ac/lc ( Ac- country, M2, A lc – magnetic way, m ) H L=0.4IˆI?N2Ac/lcA-10-8 ( Ac-area, cm2, A lc – magnetic way, centimeter ) 1 Emf ( electromotive force ) Volt V V=-NA-dI ¦/dt V V=-10-8NA-dI ¦/dt 1 Note: In the above equations, I = current ( in As ) , N = bends Table 1.2: Magnetism expressions in SI and c.g.s systems and their transition factors for the magnetic units.1.4 PHOTOLUMINESCENCE PROPERTIES OF SrFe12O19Harmonizing to the survey of G. B. Teh [ 3 ] on Sr ferrite, Sr ferrite was found to exhibit photoluminescence behaviour. When a sample of Sr ferrite is excited at a certain wavelength, highest strength of photoluminescence emanation extremums was obtained. The ability of Sr ferrite to photoluminesce could be due to the O vacancies in their lattice construction. The O vacancies are assumed to do the atoms to exhibit photoluminescence behaviour by moving as traps for nomadic excitement. The O vacancies have effectual +2 charges, doing them powerful electron gaining control centres. Valence negatron would derive sufficient energy to leap from the valency set to the conductivity set and go forthing a spread known as hole during excitement. F-centers, which is the part where contain high sum of negatrons would organize when the aro used negatrons being trapped in O vacancies. These rich negatron centres would take to emanation of luminescence when the holes and negatrons recombine.1.5 SYNTHESIS ROUTE OF SrFe12O19The processing paths used for synthesis of Sr ferrite affect its belongingss much. Traditionally, this ferrite pulverization is synthesized by a assorted oxide ceramic method, which involves the solid-state reaction between SrCO3 and Fe2O3 at a high calcination temperature ( about 1300A °C ) . However, uncontrolled atom morphology, larger atom size and agglomerates would be the biggest disadvantages of this technique. Besides, taint would be introduced to the sample while subsequent milling of the calcined ferrite pulverization and this would impact the magnetic belongingss become less desirable. Therefore, the narrowed atom size distribution, refined atom size and minimum atom agglomeration has been the chief concern during the synthesis of Sr ferrite. In order to better the magnetic belongingss, legion nonconventional soft man-made paths have been carried out, including sol-gel synthesis [ 3 ] , hydrothermal reaction [ 6 ] , co-precipitation [ 7 ] , citric acid method [ 8 ] and microemulsion processing [ 10 ] . In this survey, the synthesis of Sr ferrite employed the sol-gel technique. It is a wet chemical path using ethylene ethanediol as gel precursor. Sol-gel technique is the technique of utilizing chemical substances which have high solubility in organic dissolvers to synthesise precursor compounds. The compounds are easy transformed into hydrated oxides on hydrolysis. The metal alkoxides formed can be removed easy utilizing hydrolysis and thermic intervention and therefore consequences in hydrous oxides which are extremely purify. Sol-gel method is used in this survey because of its many advantages. Sol-gel technique is able to bring forth homogenous nanosized crystallites. This method is tend to give molded stuffs straight from a solution without go throughing through the pulverization processing and the fact that the annealing temperature is really low compared with other conventional engineering. The crystalline size and belongingss of the ferrite produced are mostly affected by calcinations temperature [ 3 ] . Sol gel method has the advantage that the crystal growing of atoms is easier to command by changing the heat intervention [ 11 ] . It was reported that at 500EsC it produced merely maghemite, I?-Fe2O3. A assorted merchandise of magnetic I ±-Fe2O3 and M-type SrFe12O19 were obtained at 600EsC. As the calcination temperature addition to 800EsC and supra, there are merely M-type SrFe12O19 stage was observed. Sol-gel synthesis is able to bring forth high outputs of SrFe12O19 nanoparticles. It is besides able to bring forth nanocrystallite of cation substituted SrFe12O19. Nanoparticle size of Sr ferrite is desirable and aimed to synthesise because nanoparticles tend to give better magnetic belongingss. Nanoparticles give few magnetic spheres, likely individual sphere. Single sphere tends to give higher magnetic initiation because there are no oppose magnetic sphere. Single sphere aligns in one way merely. These belongingss are ideal for the devising of lasting magnet.1.6 CATION SUBSTITUTION IN SrFe12O19In order to better the magnetic belongingss of Sr ferrite, many surveies have been carried out. One of them is cation permutation in Sr ferrite. Rare Earth and other metal cations are used for permutation for Sr and Fe severally [ 5 ] . The brace doping of SrFe12O19 such as a La-Co brace to replace a Sr-Fe brace has been tested [ 14 ] . The doping, or known as cation permutation, is aim to better the magnetic belongingss of Sr ferrite. Cation permutation consequences in structural al terations in Sr ferrite. As the physical belongingss of ferrite alteration, the magnetic belongingss would be affected due to the fact that magnetic belongingss are determined by the agreement of Fe ions in crystal construction. In this survey, Co-Ti brace will be doped to the Sr ferrite. Cobalt Ti permutation will bring forth a quaternate system of the type SrO-Fe2O3-AO where A represents the dopant cation.The Co Ti permutation gives rise to the new expression, SrCoxTixFe12-2xO19 where Ten is the figure of mole of cation substituted in.1.7 Commercial ApplicationsStrontium ferrite is widely used as lasting magnet because it has way of easy magnetisation and the hexangular c-axis which are perpendicular to the plane of the home base. The belongingss that are desirable in utilizing as lasting magnet include high impregnation magnetisation, high leftover magnetisation, high coercivity, high Curie temperature and high magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Besides, SrFe12O19 is besides normally used in high-density informations storage magnetic entering media. Nanoparticles of SrFe12O19 with individual sphere and low coercivity are important in used for magnetic recording media. M-type Sr ferrite nanoparticles have attracted much attending due to their good frequence characteristic, low noise, high end product, in peculiar, first-class high frequence characteristic and broad dynamic frequence scope [ 4 ] . There are two types of entering medium, viz. particulates and thin movies. Tape and floppy is categorized in particulate and difficult thrust is belongs to thin movie. Information is stored by magnetising stuff. The entering caput can use magnetic field ( H ) and align spheres to magnetise the medium. It can besides observe a alteration in the magnetisation of the medium. Magnetic entering media prefers high impregnation magnetisation ; do it to hive away as much information. High value of remnant magnetisation is required in enterin g media to do certain that all stuffs stored in the difficult disc still remained even the power supply ( applied magnetic field ) is switched away. Low coercivity is of import in magnetic recording media. When the positive magnetic field is applied, this charging manages the medium to hive away informations. On the other manus, negative magnetic field applied to recover back the information, this is called discharges. Therefore, less current is needed to recover the information in the low coercivity medium. As a consequence, less heat generated and this saves the electricity. In general, Sr ferrite has high value of uniaxial anisotropy field, high coercive force and high impregnation magnetisation. The high coercivity of Sr ferrite has to be lowered down and impregnation magnetisation has to be at the same time increased if it is to be utile for magnetic recording intents. It has been reported that the permutation of cations such as Co ( II ) for the ion Fe ( III ) in Sr ferrite has lowered the coercive force. Therefore, many surveies were carried out to accomplish better magnetic belongingss of Sr ferrite for commercial applications.Chapter 2: EXPERIMENTALSample PreparationSynthesis of M-type SrFe12O19 Synthesis of Cation Substituted SrFe12O19Sample CharacterizationMagnetic Susceptibility Balance MK12.1 Sample Preparation2.1.1 Synthesis of M-type SrFe12O19The sol-gel technique was used to synthesise M-type SrFe12O19 whereby the ethene ethanediol acts as gel precursor. The starting stuffs, Sr nitrate, Sr ( NO3 ) 2 and Fe ( III ) nitrate-9-hydrates, Fe ( NO3 ) 3A ·9H2O were used due to their high solubility in ethylene ethanediol. Calculation below was made to find the weight of stuffs needed to be used. Relative Molecular Mass of stuffs: Strontium nitrate, Sr ( NO3 ) 2 = 211.63 g/mol Iron ( III ) nitrate-9-hydrates, Fe ( NO3 ) 3A ·9H2O = 404 g/mol ( Note: All replies have to be converted into 3 important figures. ) No. of mol of 1 g Sr ( NO3 ) 2 = Mass of Sr ( NO3 ) 2 RMM of Sr ( NO3 ) 2 = 1g 211.63g/mol = 4.7252Ãâ€"10-3 mol Strontium: Fe = 1: 12 No. of mol of Fe ( NO3 ) 3A ·9H2O needed = 4.7252Ãâ€"10-3 mol x 12 = 5.6702Ãâ€"10-2 mol Mass of Fe ( NO3 ) 3A ·9H2O needed = No. of mol of Fe ( NO3 ) 3A ·9H2O needed ten RMM of Fe ( NO3 ) 3A ·9H2O = 5.6702Ãâ€"10-2 mol x 404g/mol = 22.9 g From the computation, 1g of Sr nitrate and 22.9g of Fe ( III ) nitrate-9-hydrates were needed in the synthesis and were weighted. Strontium nitrate would supply 1 mol of Sr ions and Fe ( III ) nitrate-9-hydrates would supply 12 mol of Fe ions in the synthesis of Sr ferrite, which matched the molecular expression of SrFe12O19. The Sr nitrate and Fe ( III ) nitrate-9-hydrates were readily dissolved in ethene ethanediol with little heat applied due to their high solubility in it. The mixture was heated somewhat and stirred with a magnetic saloon until the mixture was to the full dissolved. The attendant solution is in crystalline ruddy colour. The magnetic stirring saloon was removed. The mixture was heated to 100A °C and it would easy transform into a gel signifier. The gel was dried with uninterrupted heating at 100A °C for 3 hours. The dried gel was so transferred to a crucible to take hints of organic precursor. A mixture of metal oxides in spread nanoclusters signifier was obtained. The dried gel was so annealed in a furnace at 800A °C for 3 yearss with extended land with a stamp in a howitzer after annealed at interval of each twenty-four hours.2.1.2 Synthesis of Cation Substituted SrFe12O19Cation substituted strontium ferrite was synthesized by utilizing Co ( II ) ions and Ti ( IV ) ions to replace the Fe ions in M-type hexangular Sr ferrite. The permutation of Co ( II ) and Ti ( IV ) gives the compound a new molecular expression, which is SrCoxTixFe12-2xO19 where the x denoted different ratios. In the synthesis of cation substituted SrFe12O19, the ratios of cations used, x, is in between 0.2 to 6.0 ( 0.2 a†°Ã‚ ¤ x a†°Ã‚ ¤ 6.0 ) , where ten = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0. The same method described in subdivision 2.1.1 was used for the synthesis, by merely adding two new get downing stuffs, which are the Co ( II ) nitrate and Ti ( IV ) ethoxide to give the Co2+ and Ti4+ cations. Calculation as described below was made to cipher the weight of stuffs needed severally. Relative Molecular Mass of stuffs: Strontium nitrate, Sr ( NO3 ) 2 = 211.63 g/mol Iron ( III ) nitrate-9-hydrates, Fe ( NO3 ) 3A ·9H2O = 404 g/mol Cobalt ( II ) nitrate, Co ( NO3 ) 2.6H2O = 291.04 g/mol Titanium ( IV ) ethoxide, Ti ( CC2H5 ) 4 = 228.11 g/mol ( Note: All replies have to be converted into 3 important figures. ) Examples used for the computation: SrCo0.2Ti0.2Fe11.6O19, x= 0.2 No. of mol of 1 g Ti ( CC2H5 ) 4 = Mass of Ti ( CC2H5 ) 4 RMM of Ti ( CC2H5 ) 4 = 1g 228.11g/mol = 4.3838Ãâ€"10-3 mol 0.2 mol of Ti needed 1 mol of Sr. 4.3838Ãâ€"10-3 mol of Ti needed ( 4.3838Ãâ€"10-3 mol x 1 ) mol of Sr. 0.2 Therefore, 0.021919 mol of Sr is needed. Mass of Sr ( NO3 ) 2 needed = 0.021919mol ten 211.63 g/mol = 4.64 g 0.2 mol of Ti needed 11.6 mol of Fe. 4.3838Ãâ€"10-3 mol of Ti needed ( 4.3838Ãâ€"10-3 mol x 11.6 ) mol of Sr. 0.2 Therefore, 0.25426 mol of Fe is needed. Mass of Fe ( NO3 ) 3A ·9H2O needed = 0.25426mol ten 404g/mol = 103 g Mass of Co ( NO3 ) 2.6H2O needed = 4.3838Ãâ€"10-3 mol x 291.04g/mol = 1.28 g The computation above were used to cipher the weight of get downing stuffs needed for other cation ratios, ten for 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 severally every bit good. The weight needed for each stuff was tabulated in Table 2.1. ten Weight of stuffs needed ( g ) Sr ( NO3 ) 2 Fe ( NO3 ) 3A ·9H2O Co ( NO3 ) 2.6H2O 0.2 4.64 103 1.28 0.4 2.32 51.4 1.28 0.6 1.55 31.9 1.28 0.8 1.11 23.0 1.28 1.0 0.93 17.7 1.28 2.0 0.46 7.08 1.28 3.0 0.31 3.54 1.28 4.0 0.23 1.77 1.28 5.0 0.19 0.71 1.28 6.0 0.15 0.00 1.28 Table 2.1: Weight of stuffs needed for synthesis of Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) substituted Sr ferrite For the series of different permutation ratios ( ten ) , the corresponding Sr nitrate, Fe ( III ) nitrate-9-hydrates, Co ( II ) nitrate and Ti ( IV ) ethoxide were weighed and dissolved in 100ml ethene ethanediol. The oxides obtained after ignition were so annealed in a furnace at 800A °C for 3 yearss with extended land with a stamp in a howitzer after annealed at interval of each twenty-four hours. The readying for Sr ferrite and cation substituted strontium ferrite is shown in Fig. 2.1 in flow chart array. Figure 2.1: Conventional diagram of the process for synthesis of Sr ferrite and cobalt-titanium substituted SrFe12O19.Sample CharacterizationMagnetic Susceptibility Balance MK1The magnetic belongingss of Sr ferrite and cobalt-titanium substituted Sr ferrite produced by the method described above were examined utilizing the Magnetic Susceptibility Balance MARK 1 ( MK1 ) by Sherwood Scientific Ltd, England. The magnetic susceptibleness balance setup was shown in Fig. 2.2. Figure 2.2: Magnetic Susceptibility Balance MK1 by Sherwood Scientific Ltd, England. The basic design rule of Magnetic Susceptibility Balance MK1 was shown in Figure 2.3. Magnetic Susceptibility Balance determines the magnetic belongingss by puting two twosome of traveling magnets with the beam in between where the stationary sample is ready to be measured. Basically, the possible warp in the beam and the motion being made of a peculiar sample either solid or liquid could be observed in a balanced system which possesses a magnetic field. Meanwhile, the spiral within the instrument is conducted with current required in order to do compensation of the magnetic force produced by the sample. Either paramagnetic or diamagnetic could be resolved in a asset or minus comparatively on show with the assistance of the way that the beam Swift. Figure 2.3: Basic design rule of Magnetic Susceptibility Balance MK1 by Sherwood Scientific Ltd, England. Magnetic susceptibleness is defined as when the magnetising field is applied to the sample, how much is the ratio of the strength of magnetic attraction induced by the sample in response to the magnetising field which it is capable. In this experiment, mass susceptibleness was the chief concern. Mass susceptibleness, xg, is defines by the mathematical expression below: ?‘?g= ‘?v/d Where vitamin D = denseness of substance ?‘?v is the volume susceptibleness, calculated by utilizing the expression: ?‘?v = I/H Where I = strength of magnetic attraction produced in a substance H = strength of applied magnetic field Based on the magnetic belongingss of magnetic substances, they can be classified into one of the three groups. Among them, there is paramagnetic stuff which would pull by a strong magnetic field, diamagnetic which repelled by magnetic field and ferromagnetic which is alone to retain their ain magnetic field. After the external magnetic field is removed, ferromagnetic stuffs are still able to retain a lasting magnetic field. This is happened due to their free negatrons are in close propinquity and remain aligned without the magnetic field. Strontium ferrite and cobalt-titanium substituted Sr ferrite were found to be ferromagnetic due to the overshooting value observed on the show when the samples were introduced. To get the better of this job, a non-magnetic stuff Na chloride, was used to ‘dilute ‘ the big magnetic attraction induced by the samples. Procedure was carried out. First, the scope boss of Magnetic Susceptibility Balance MK1 was turned to the x1 graduated table and was allowed to warm up for 10 proceedingss before usage. The nothing boss is adjusted until the show reads 000. An empty sample tubing of known weight was placed into the tubing usher and the reading, Ro was taken. 0.0005g sample + 0.2820g NaCl ( sample length, fifty =3cm ) was packed into the sample column. The weight of samples and Na chloride were fixed for all measurings made. The jammed sample tubing was placed into tubing usher and the reading, R was taken. The stairss were repeated for all the 11 samples. The mass susceptibleness, ‘?g is calculated utilizing the expression: ?‘?g= CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m Where: cubic decimeter = length of sample ( centimeter ) m = mass of sample ( gm ) R = balance reading for sample + tubing Ro = balance reading for empty tubing CBal = the balance standardization changeless ( =1 )Chapter 3: Consequence AND DISCUSSION3.1 Consequences of Mass Susceptibility3.1.1 Mass susceptibleness of M-type SrFe12O19 3.1.2 Mass susceptibleness of Cation Substituted SrFe12O19 3.1.3 Table of mass susceptibleness of SrFe12O19 and Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) substituted SrFe12O19 3.1.4 Graph of mass susceptibleness, ‘?g ( cgs ) against Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) ratio3.2 Findingss and Discussion3.1 RESULTS OF MASS SUSCEPTIBILITYMass susceptiblenesss of the samples were calculated utilizing the expression: ?‘?g= CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m Where: cubic decimeter = sample length ( centimeter ) m = sample mass ( gm ) R = balance reading for sample in tubing Ro = balance reading for empty tubing CBal = the balance standardization changeless ( =1 ) * All the replies are adjusted to 4 important figures.3.1.1 Mass Susceptibility of M-type SrFe12O19?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ 936- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 1.944Ãâ€"10-43.1.2 Mass Susceptibility of Cation Substituted SrFe12O19SrCo0.2Ti0.2Fe11.6O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ 798- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 1.668Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo0.4Ti0.4Fe11.2O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ 671- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 1.414Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo0.6Ti0.6Fe10.8O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ 654- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 1.380Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo0.8Ti0.8Fe10.4O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ 542- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 1.156Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo1.0Ti1.0Fe10O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ 441- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 0.954Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo2.0Ti2.0Fe8O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ 236- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 0.544Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo3.0Ti3.0Fe6O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ 162- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 0.396Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo4.0Ti4.0Fe4O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ 145- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 0.362Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo5.0Ti5.0Fe2O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ -006- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 0.060Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo6.0Ti6.0O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ -066- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = -0.060Ãâ€"10-43.1.3 Table of mass susceptibleness of SrFe12O19 and Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) substituted SrFe12O19The mass susceptiblenesss of the samples calculated were summarized in Table 1. Samples Sample length, cubic decimeter ( centimeter ) Sample mass, m ( gm ) Empty tubing reading, R0 Reading for tubing + sample, R Mass susceptibleness, xg SrFe12O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 936 1.944Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo0.2Ti0.2Fe11.6O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 798 1.668Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo0.4Ti0.4Fe11.2O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 671 1.414Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo0.6Ti0.6Fe10.8O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 654 1.380Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo0.8Ti0.8Fe10.4O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 542 1.156Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo1.0Ti1.0Fe10O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 441 0.954Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo2.0Ti2.0Fe8O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 236 0.544Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo3.0Ti3.0Fe6O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 162 0.396Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo4.0Ti4.0Fe4O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 145 0.362Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo5.0Ti5.0Fe2O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 -006 0.060Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo6.0Ti6.0O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 -066 -0.060Ãâ€"10-4 Table 3.1: Mass susceptibleness, xg of SrFe12O19 and Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) substituted SrFe12O193.1.4 Graph of mass susceptibleness, ‘?g ( cgs ) against Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) ratioA graph of mass susceptibleness of SrFe12O19 and Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) substituted SrFe12O19 against Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) ratio was plotted and shown in Graph 3.1. Figure 3.1: Graph of mass susceptibleness, ‘?g ( cgs ) against Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) ratio3.2 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONMagnetic susceptibleness is a step of response of negatrons in sample to an applied magnetic field. Electrons produce magnetic minutes at where the negatrons spin circularly around the karyon following right-thumb regulation. The net magmetic minute is the amount of minutes from all negatrons. There are three types of magnetic attraction ; they are ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic, paramagnetic and diamagnetic. Strontium ferrite is a ferrimagnetic compound due to its high magnetic initiation, B when magnetic field, H is applied. The magnetic minutes of ferrimagnetic Sr ferrite is aligned parallel with applied magnetic field. It is a of course magnet because the magnetic minutes are point at one way even there is no magnetic field is applied. The magnetic minute of M-type hexangular ferrites strongly prefer the hexangular axis way, which is the c-axis. Within the grain boundaries of ferrimagnetic atoms, the spheres are aligned in two waies opposing when there is no magnetic field applied. As the magnetic field is applied and strength of applied field ( H ) increases, the magnetic minute of ferrimagnetic stuff become aligns with H. The magnetic spheres with aligned magnetic minute grow at disbursal of ill aligned 1s. In the terminal, the magnetic spheres become individual sphere when the applied magnetic field additions until a point. Single magnetic sphere is desirable as it is easy to revolve the atoms for use. Single sphere besides gives higher magnetic initiation because there are no oppose magnetic sphere, the individual sphere align in one way merely. These belongingss are ideal for doing of lasting magnet. To a higher opportunity of obtaining individual sphere in atoms of a compound, the compound frequently produced in nanoparticles. Nanoparticles tend to give few magnetic spheres, likely individual sphere. This is due to the really little size of atoms tend to give the smallest sum of grain boundary, hence the opportunity of acquiring magnetic spheres in opposite way is little comparison to the big size atoms which have more grain boundaries. Therefore in this survey, sol-gel technique which is able to bring forth nano-sized atoms was employed. The magnetic belongingss of the hexangular Sr ferrites are strongly dependent upon the synthesis conditions and the site penchant of the substituted cations among the five different Fe3+ sublattices viz. , tetrahedral ( 4f1 ) , rhombohedral bipyramidal ( 2b ) and octahedral ( 12k, 2a and 4f2 ) of hexangular construction [ 13 ] . Mass susceptibleness is the ratio of the strength of magnetic attraction induced in the sample to the magnetizing field applied in response to the denseness of the substance. In commercial application, the mass susceptibleness is desirable as holding high value, for the use of strong lasting magnet and entering media. For the composing where x = 0.2, the substituted Sr ferrite recorded lessening in mass susceptibleness. The magnetic belongingss were non every bit desirable as the value of susceptibleness demands to be comparatively high. In the specimen with x = 0.4, a dramatically addition in mass susceptibleness was measured. The addition in susceptibleness indicated that the permutation of Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) had filled up the minor I?-sublattice ( spin-down ) of the magnetoplumbite construction and therefore enhanced the measured magnetization along the I ±-sublattice ( spin-up ) axis. In the specimen with x = 0.6, the mass susceptibleness decreased. The big lessening of susceptibleness indicated that at this ratio, the Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) cations may good hold occupied the cation sites which were in the I ±-sublattice ( spin-up ) . For x = 0.8 to 5.0, it was found that both specimens recorded similar values of susceptibleness. As the permutation of Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) increased, the susceptibleness showed a rapid lessening. It might hence be expected that farther permutation will later bring forth a superparamagnetic-like Sr ferrite. Superparamagnetism is a phenomenon by which magnetic stuffs may exhibit a behaviour similar to paramagnetism at temperatures below the Curie temperature. For x = 6.0 shows negative value of mass susceptibleness, indicates the formation of Co oxide and Ti dioxide which are diamagnetic. There are no Fe oxides which gives ferromagnetic belongingss. From the old published survey, the partial permutation of Fe3+ ions with a Co2+ + Ti4+ brace was attempted [ 4 ] . However, the coercive force reduces and at the same time impregnation magnetisation besides reduces. Therefore, the ratio of substituted cations is really of import in modifying the magnetic belongingss of ferrite. Single sphere atoms of Ti-Co substituted M-type hexaferrite posses attractive belongingss for the recording media applications [ 13 ] . Such permutations at Fe site are effectual in cut downing the coercivity and magnetocrystalline anisotropy but require higher annealing temperature for the individual stage formation. It has besides been reported that when synthesising Ti-Co substituted hexaferrites, it is hard to avoid the formation of Co ferrite. Although the coercivity lessening by the permutation of Co-Ni but at the same clip the impregnation magnetisation of the stuffs lessening which limit their applications in the high denseness entering media.Chapter 4: Decisions4.1 Decisions4.2 Future Work4.1 DecisionThe consequence of cation permutation on magnetic belongingss of Sr ferrite is discussed in the old chapter. The magnetic belongingss are differing matching to the different cation permutation ratios. There existed important tendency which corresponded to the alterations in perm utation ratio in Sr ferrite. The mass susceptibleness is the highest at x = 0.4 in SrCoxTixFe12-2xO19. This indicates that this cation permutation ratio gives best magnetic behavior where the magnetisation is the highest. This phenomenon is favorable for commercial application such as doing of lasting magnet and magnetic recording media.4.2 FUTURE WORKIn this survey, the magnetic belongingss of M-type hexangular SrFe12O19 and cation substituted SrFe12O19 was studied. One of the magnetic belongingss, mass susceptibleness of the ferrites was determined in this survey, by utilizing magnetic susceptibleness balance. Besides magnetic susceptibleness balance, the survey on magnetic belongingss can be improved by utilizing SQUID gaussmeter or vibrating sample gaussmeter ( VSM ) [ 12 ] to look into the impregnation magnetization, remnant magnetization and coercivity. These three magnetic belongingss are the indispensable one to find their magnetic behavior for assorted applications. However , these two instruments are non available in our research lab. The cobalt-titanium permutation is replacing the Fe sites alternatively of Sr sites. The Sr site could be substituted with other passage elements or rare earth elements with the similar atomic radii, illustration for Bi and rare earth. In future, farther survey could be carried out by substituted rare earth wholly to replace strontium ferrite to look into whether the M-type hexangular construction remains. One of the ways to heighten magnetic belongingss is to bring forth individual sphere atoms by partner offing the divalent-tetravalent permutation in Sr ferrite with appropriate man-made methods. Besides cation permutation by Co2+-Ti4+ brace, sol gel derived strontium ferrite with Fe substituted by Zn2+ , Ti4+ and Ir4+ have been carried out [ 9 ] . They are Zn2+-Ti4+ brace and Zn2+-Ir4+ brace. If this is true, it will hold a great impact on the engineering of tomorrow.