Saturday, August 31, 2019
Christina’s World
Christina’s Cruel World When I first seen â€Å"Christina’s World,†a painting by Andrew Wyeth, I came across a lonely girl, and I wonder. What is she doing lying in the field by herself? Was she laying in the long grass on a hot summer day enjoying a nice summer breeze? It’s hard to tell her age. Is she a widowed wife to a soldier lost in the war thinking of days long past? Perhaps she’s a teenage adolescent, resting in the grass after a long day of chores? Something caught her attention. She sat up, and twisted to look behind her. I follow her gaze, and notice that she is looking toward a house of Georgian architecture.The front side of the house has the most detail compared to the three other buildings in the picture. I can clearly see the door, windows, and even the color of the house. This leads me to believe that Christina is focusing on the front of the house. I see what appears to be a typical farm in rural America, somewhere in a Midwestern grassland state. This farm however, has no livestock, or crops. I see a shed to the right, and a barn about fifty yards to the left of the house. If I look closely, birds can be seen flying from the barn. Is this a possible sign of abandonment?Judging between the rough, tall grass and the smooth texture to the grass around the farm tells me this place is not as deserted as it looks. This tells me that Christina’s world has boundaries, and it appears that she is out of bounds. The colors of the painting are very dull and flat. This only enhances the theme of a desolate and nearly dead farm. The vast field and wide open spaces make this place look very empty. The path leading up to the house seems faded by over growth; another sign that Christina’s world is a lonely place. When I come full circle, I set my eyes back on Christina.I begin to wonder, why is she here? Why is she in rough wild grass instead of the smooth tame lawn? As I take a closer look, I notice her rigid hands clutching the earth. It’s almost as if she’s pulling herself forward; as if she’s trying to get to safety. Her body is thin and frail. She looks starved and malnourished. Loose strands of hair are flowing in the breeze. Her dress is pink; a sign of femininity, but it’s also faded along with the rest of the scene. The point of view Wyeth gives is as if I’m standing right behind Christina. I can’t help but feel tempted to do something to help her.I want to get her to safety, give her some food, put her in bed, and get her some medical attention. Would she be safe though? When I look closely I can see a pile of lumber on the side of the house, and a latter propped up on the front. This house needs work done. Maybe this house isn’t a sanctuary for Christina. She probably dreads going back, but she has nowhere else to go. I think Christina has accepted her world because she has no other choice. She had to leave the boundaries and ex plore the outside a little bit before she realized this. Maybe the outside world rejected her so she begrudgingly turned back.Even though it’s a warm summer day; I sense coldness here. The dark looming house has a forbidden feel to it. The barn is equally forbidden; only home to the birds now. It seems Christina’s world was left to fade away. When I researched Andrew Wyeth, and his painting of Christina’s World I found some interesting facts. Christina is in fact Christina Olsen, one of Wyeth’s neighbors. She lived with her brother Aravo Olsen in what is now known as the Olsen House located in Cushing Maine. This is far from what I originally thought. There is some speculation that Christina was schizophrenic. This however, is false.On the other hand, Christina did have an undiagnosed muscular disorder. This disease, probably polio, caused her to lose her ability to walk in the late 1920’s. This explains why Christina is clutching the ground. She w as crawling. It is a fact that Christina regularly crawled around the farm. The Olsen family and farm were inspirations for a few of Wyeth’s paintings. They even let him use the third floor of their house as an art studio. Wyeth’s father died in a horrible train accident three years before he painted â€Å"Christina’s World. †This had a noticeable impact on Wyeth’s art. His colors became more bland and dull.His landscapes were bare. These traits are highly reflected in â€Å"Christina’s World. †If you look at modern pictures of the Olsen House you can see the place is surrounded by evergreens. In the painting, there isn’t a tree in sight. The landscape is almost bare except for the grass. I would say â€Å"Christina’s World†is Wyeth’s way of expressing his grief for his father’s death. Andrew Wyeth was inspired to paint this picture when he looked out his window and seen Christina crawling around in the fields. Though Christina inspired the painting, it was Wyeth’s wife Betsy who modeled the torso, and head.The Olsen farmhouse is the most famous model of the painting. It was first built in the late 1700’s, then later had a third floor annexed to it. The Olsen house still stands to this day in Cushing Maine, and is a historic landmark. It is owned by the Farnsworth Art Museum. I believe Wyeth was asking his viewers a question in this painting. If your standing behind this woman who is crawling across the field. What would you do? Wyeth is giving us a choice. He’s showing us a cruel, harsh world. Do you help her, or do you pass her by; letting her fend for herself?
Friday, August 30, 2019
Expression versus expectations in Chekhov’s The lady with the pet dog
In The lady with the pet dog, Chekhov’s notion of romantic love coincides with his idea of the duplicitous self and society. Central to Chekhov’s discussion of romantic love is the individual and the institutions that define him (in particular, marital and domestic ones) which Chekhov sees as anything but intact. What whole is perceived on the surface is in reality a fragmented clumsily held together by bogus and empty morality tantamount to hypocrisy. In this case, the romantic impulse comes as a liberating and redeeming sensibility. However, Chekhov asserts, the survival, let alone existence of the romantic love is possible only in the darkâ€â€in the small, private (and forbidden) enclave away from the persecuting and prying eyes of the collective. Chekhov (2007) writes of Gurov, â€Å"†¦everything that in which he was sincere and did not deceive himself, everything that made the kernel of his life, was hidden from other people; and all that was false in him†¦all that was open†(chap. IV). Indeed what stands out in Chekhov’s work is the clash between individual sentiments and social expectations; defiance versus the norm, liberating passion as opposed to the stifling demands of pseudo-propriety. Such contestation of values is played out in the characters of Anna Sergeyevna and Dmitri Gurov. Both are trapped and paralyzed by their family and marriages, relationships which are more nominal than actual. Both suffer from a breakdown of communication with their partners and more importantly, their selves. Hence, the disruption of self-expression. Their efforts toward self-definition and determination are brutally countered by the conventions of their sexuality and status. As a result, what occurs is an extinction of their personality and consequently, the imperilment of their love. In this climate, masks are the only means of self-preservation. Gurov, for one, is a man of several faces. His faà §ade appears to be in strict compliance with the behavioral codes attendant of his class and gender. His misogynistic gestures belie his genuine nature. He â€Å"always spoke ill of women, and when they are talked about in his presence, used to call them the lower race†¦. yet he could not get on for two days together without the ‘lower race’†(I). Convention, together with his pretensions, reduces Gurov to a flat and passive character. So flat, in fact, that his entire life and personality can be summed up by the following words: â€Å"He was under forty, but he had a daughter already twelve years old, and two sons at school†(I). In this respect, Gurov is a typical family man. He is head (or better yet, cog) of a family the stability and comfortability of which is owed more to economic and social factors than human warmth and understanding. The family stands for the simple reason that Gurov and his wife, no matter how superficially are playing their parts well. Paradoxically and yet, understandably, Gurov’s extra-marital affairs offer no significant threat to the solidity of his domestic sphere. His women are but fleeting muses, objects of a passion that fades just as quickly as it ignites. Such transient and cold encounters inevitably deteriorate: â€Å"†¦every intimacy which at first so agreeably diversifies life and appears a light and charming adventure, inevitably grows into a regular problem of extreme intricacy, and in the long run the situation becomes unbearable†(I). In a sense, Gurov’s relationships with other women are simply extensions of his mechanical family life. Gurov is deader than alive; older than his years. Despite his numerous preoccupations â€Å"He already felt a longing to go to restaurants, clubs, dinner parties, anniversary celebrations†¦ entertaining distinguished lawyers and artists†(III)â€â€his hunger for life and love remains unsatisfied. His romantic sensibility continues to stagnate. Gurov’s fate is a microscopic version of the spiritual inertia plaguing larger society. As Gurov laments, â€Å"What senseless nights, what uninteresting, uneventful days! The rage for card playing, the gluttony, the drunkenness, the continual talk always about the same thing†(III). Apparently the preoccupied life of the materially comfortable fail to fill the gaping hole within the individual, in this case, a premature organism at most. What intactness is gained through the observance of superficial social rituals is nothing but conformity and monotony. Gurov’s premature self translates to the frustration of his artistic sensibility. Gurov â€Å"had taken a degree in arts, but had a post in the bank; that he had trained as an opera singer, but ad given it up†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (I). Again, passion has given way to practicality and material considerations. Though practically nameless (indeed, one can only name her through Gurov, and partially at that), Gurov’s wife is far from being a peripheral and passive figure. She enters the story (one can even say, intrude) almost simultaneously as Gurov does. The first glimpse of Gurov is intertwined with that of her that one appears to be the foil of another. Chekhov’s description of her evokes strength (and to a degree, death and deadliness) uncommon of her sex: â€Å"†¦his wife seemed half as old again as he†¦. as she said of herself, intellectual. She read a great deal†¦he secretly considered her unintelligent, narrow inelegant, was afraid of her, and did not like to be at home†(I). His wife’s sense of individuality proves corrosive to their relationship. Not that Chekhov despises individuality in women, Anna’s struggle toward self-definition show otherwise. What makes Gurov’s wife’s fatal is that it consumes, by emasculating, Gurov. An individuality such as her hampers union and unity, disadvantageous to love. The juxtaposition of Gurov and his wife’s sensibility lays bare a glaring incongruity, symptomatic of the failure of their marital communication. The marital environment isolates them both. For Gurov â€Å"in his home it was impossible to talk of his love, and he had no one outside†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (III). And when his wife catches on and reacts to his hints on love: â€Å"†¦no one guessed what it meant; only his wife twitched her black eyebrows, and said: ‘The part of a lady-killer does not suit you at all, Dimitri’†(III). Their marital union is grounded on repulsion and revulsion. In stark contrast to his wife is the character of Anna Sergeyevna, whose individuality, at least in the beginning, is yet to be defined. Which is not to say that she is empty, for like Gurov, Anna is in search of a life above the mundane: â€Å"To live, to live!†¦ I was fired by curiosity†¦I could not control myself; something happened to me, I could not be restrained†(I). The amorphousness of Anna and Gurov serves as a point of connection, a common ground for them. Anna’s gradual progression from anonymity to indiviulaity is paradoxically combined in her identity as â€Å"the lady with the pet dog†. When Gurov’s â€Å"romance with an unknown woman†(I) unexpectedly escalates to full-blown romance – â€Å"that sweet delirium, that madness†(II)  Anna’s personality becomes indelible: â€Å"Anna did not visit him in dreams, but followed him about everywhere and haunted him†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (II). Indeed, what marks Gurov’s love for Anna is its sense of permanence and identity. Anna’s face is not gobbled up by oblivion, nor does it fade in the crowd. To Gurov, she is the only â€Å"lady with the pet dog†. This sense of eternity is not bound to be challenged though. Society looms as a more powerful and sinister force in the lovers’ lives. Their love is taboo, a truth which they can only postpone but never defeat: â€Å"†¦it seemed to them that fate itself had meant them for one another, and they could not understand why he had a wife and she had a husband†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (IV). Chekhov does not negate the potency, even necessity of genuine romantic love. He does not offer false hopes about it either. Gurov and Anna can only dwell in the present; what the future has to offer is far from hopeful: â€Å"†¦and it was clear to both that they still had a long road before them, and that the most complicated and difficult part is only just beginning†(IV). References Chekhov, A. (2007). The lady with the pet dog. Retrieved December 1, 2007, from
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Tourism marketing plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Tourism marketing plan - Essay Example There are some extremely essential services marketing strategy that Adventure out Australia can utilize to maximize its income in its business. The essay below provides several service marketing mix strategies that the company can employ to maximize its profit (Adventure out Australia website). Products For a company to be successful in a competitive market, it ought to have competition advantages over its competitors. Their products should be of high quality and attractive to potential customers. It must also provide variety of quality products to its customers (Borden 2005). Adventure outside Australia has created a variety of quality products. Some of the main service products the tourist company offers to their customers include; rock climbing, abseiling, outdoor and education adventures group games, and trekking. The Adventure outside Australia Company has a good reputation for producing quality services to their customers. Its supremacy in the tourist sector in Australia in 199 0s was due to its quality service products. To be in a position to compete in the dynamic market, Adventure outside Australia Company should undertake frequent market survey to identify the customers’ needs. The company survey should focus on local and international markets. The company should also utilize good relationship between the local owners and the company to comprehend the requirements of the customers. On the other hand, due to the emergence of many companies which have copied their products, the company has to advance the quality of their products. The company should also consider opening new market in new geographical areas. To have the competition advantages in the market, Adventure out Australia need to come up and introduce new quality products in the market. It also needs to focus on the performance of their products and how best to improve the quality of its services. People The use of appropriate staffing is exceptionally indispensable ingredients in service delivery. The services offered by the company depend on the company employees. As a result of this, employees in a company have the ability to either make or break a company. For a company to have competition advantage in the market, it must demonstrate that its staffs are better than other competitors staffs (Kotler, 2000). Over the years, Adventure out Australia Company has emerged victorious in offering quality training to its employees. They have quality facilitators and staffs who offer quality services to customers. Adventure out Australia should therefore work toward improving the quality of their employees to meet the modern international market demands. Frequent seminars and training programs is extremely relevant in ensuring employees advancements in their services delivery to customers. To have advantages in the market, the company has the responsibility of maintaining the quality of their employees by mentoring and motivating them. Outstanding performers need to be reco gnized and rewarded. This initiative will motivate employees toward improving their service delivery. On the other hand, promotion, remuneration, and recruitment should be on merit bases. Adequate staffing is also relevant in improving the quality of the services offered by the company employees to the company customers. Having quality people in the company will in this case place the adventure out Australia at a better position in the market competition. Physical Evidence
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Cour Issues Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Cour Issues Analysis - Research Paper Example Moreover, there is a backlog of cases in the judiciary; this backlog is perhaps an attribute to the vicious cycle of crime fueled by the inefficiency of the judiciary to exercise deterrence in administering sentences. The aim of the penal system is to exercise deterrence and retribution to offenders and other like-minded individuals. It is therefore the role of the judiciary to uphold this principle and protect the rule of law. In that regard, this paper shall analyze the past, current and future issues affecting the court system. The justice system is faces a myriad of issues currently. Apart from the normal difficulty of administering justice and protecting the rule of law, courts are facing difficulties with the victim’s rights issues and translation issues due to language barriers. The most severe of issues faced by the justice system, courts, and administrators is the enormous task of handling huge chunks of cases piling everyday in the prosecutor’s desk. Perhaps t his is the major reason why prosecutors are under immense pressure, resulting in dropping cases daily. Nevertheless, the courts in current times are marred with a premise of delayed cases that never seem to see their day in court. This situation befits the legal maxim as quoted by William Ewart that justice delayed is justice denied. However, court administration may at times see it fit to rush the court proceedings to clear up the backlog and congestion of the cases scheduled for hearing. Dire consequences may result from such haste to hear and determine cases, since court cases affect human lives, and due care is paramount in discharging justice. After all, courts were not fashioned to operate in such a hasty manner. It is obvious that the criminal justice system is overburdened; this has in turn exerted a ripple effect in the prosecutor’s office. More and more felony cases are dumped as plea bargains. This is both good and bad. Since the perpetrator of a felony accepts a p lea bargain for a lesser charge and gets a lesser penalty for that charge. Although it is a beneficial tact in time conservation, but it grossly, undermine the purpose of existence of any judicial system anywhere. The purpose of the court system is to provide justice, and punish the wrongdoer. Furthermore, in the discharging of justice, the judicial system has a role of deterrence and retribution via the correction facilities. Therefore, if deterrence from crime is a function of the judicial system, then it should not merely dispense lesser sentence due to time management. Proper judgment should be administered to console and restitute the injured party. While it is beneficial for the court to manage their time through plea bargains, criminal offenders and other likeminded individuals are not effectively deterred from criminal activities since consequences are less severe. The prevailing uninhabitable conditions of correction facilities due to overcrowding, communicable diseases pre valence, intrinsic violence, and being strikingly counterproductive schools for crime that churn out hardened convicts (Muraskin, R. & Roberts, R. 2009), contributes to the courts reluctant state from issuing harsher sentences. Nevertheless, the tendency of the courts to ignore the deterrence factor of sentencing, has contributed to a vicious cycle of criminal activity that perhaps has contributed to the heightened backlog of cases. This is increasingly causing many challenges to the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
English Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
English Language - Essay Example The work has a great implication on the lives of many people. The narration of the death of Mandela was accompanied with numerous statins of his achievement and his requirement to all people. Every person or institution wanting to live the legacy left by Mandela would be moved by the text since it reminds each and every person of the importance of being willing to sacrifice for the sake of the world. The author realises this fact and puts into perspective the most influential events in the life of Nelson Mandela. The main purpose of the text was creating an editorial that would reflect the actual life and times of Nelson Mandela. Additionally, the author seeks to enlighten the reader of the steps undertaken by Mandela to become one the global recognised leaders for their efforts to bring peace and save humanity. The text has no limitation on the suitable audience since its representation and content are appropriate for very person interested in understanding why Nelson Mandela was held with high regard. However, in highlighting his objective, the author uses the responses of leaders and other people in the society on Nelson Mandela. The article starts by the author explaining the mood that was expected at the funeral. They then mention the significance of the burial of Nelson Mandela3. The text assesses the audience present at the funeral, the mood of the actual day of the funeraland the days before the funeral. The author is quick to confirm that international leaders led by the US President, Barack Obama, were presented at the send-off ceremony and delivered moving speeches on how exceptional Mandela was4. The text also analyses the general feeling of the people of South Africa on their perception Mandela. The text then diverts from the funeral to the life and times of the Nelson Mandela. Significant events such as the
Monday, August 26, 2019
Idealism versus Naturalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Idealism versus Naturalism - Essay Example Gombrich argues that in pursuit of idealism for self-interests, the artists omitted any feature to they did not like to produce ‘†¦an idealized statue that usually lack character and vigour’ (103). Moreover, their desire to portray the true, the good, and the beauty of a real a man - ideal humanistic outlook – resulted in a quite ‘symmetrical, well-built and beautiful statue.' Due to the flawed figures of idealism, Greek artists adopted the naturalist perspective that represents the human form in its natural appearance or realistic look. The proponents of naturalism argue that the idealistic idea was only to add aesthetic value to drawings and sculptures and avoid reality. For instance, in Hermes with Dionysus, Praxiteles portrays the natural gesture of a hairy, wise, loving, caring and anxious man with human quality carrying a playful child (Gombrich 102). Moreover, he curved a younger non-stiff body leaning on a post for balance while maintaining elegance and smooth surfaces. These are realistic features that contrast the idealistic principle of calm and ever-smiling man to reflect an ideal situation of harmony and happiness. Moreover, the height of 3.5 feet tall of the idealistic approach fails to reflect the proper size of a human, 6.9 feet as depicted by Praxiteles. Despite these differences, one similarity of the two approaches is the Contrapposto where the right leg is bent while stepping forward and the left hip elevated to support body weight.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Discuss the role of histopathology in the diagnosis and prognosis of Essay
Discuss the role of histopathology in the diagnosis and prognosis of adenocarcinoma of the colon - Essay Example According to Burns (2011) adenocarcinoma of the colon is the cancer that affect the gastro intestines especially its mucosa. Development of adenocarcinoma is associated with development of polyps. Polyps are the growth that are found on the inner side of the colon and protrude into it. These structures form when epithelial cells that line the colon, change to abnormal. This process of change in the epithelial cells is known as mutation. In any living organism, the cells are programmed to generate, multiply, mature and die in a normal way (Willet, 2005, 29). However, in the case of the polyps, there is inconsistency with the designed program of the cells because polyps are permanent. Their existent also makes the death of other cells impossible and hence there is an accumulation of cells in the colon. This has a negative effect on the functioning of the body because it renders conducive supply of oxygen and consumption of nutrients to the cells. This then leads to accumulation of imma ture cells and consequent development of more polyps. If not treated, the polyps develop into the tumor in the inner tissues of the colon. Some of the symptoms of this cancer include; rectal bleeding, constipation, anemia, angina amongst others. Histopathology of the tumor According to Greaves (2011, 29) histopathology of the adenocarcinoma is achieved through taking a biopsy from the colon tissues and carrying out various procedures, which help to differentiate between normal tissues from cancerous one. Fixation of the cells is the first step during specimen processing. Formaldehyde is used to fix the specimen that will undergo pathology study. The purpose of this chemical is to preserve the cells by the process known as irreversible cross-linking of proteins. In this process, the amino groups are cross-linked in proteins through the formation of the methylene bridges. The aim of this process is to retain the integrity of the cells. It ensures that the whole process of specimen pre paration does not distort a normal cell. As such it ensures that at the end of the test, a normal cell is clearly differentiated from abnormal one. However, the disadvantage of fixation through formalin is that, it may degrade RNA, DNA and other components of the cells. Hence it requires for the recommended protocols to be followed when carrying out such process. According to Jones and Morson (2003) an alternative way of fixing specimens is by using suitable freezing medium such as nitrogen. This method is mostly used to preserve the tissues. It is used in conjunction with staining methods such as antibody linked immunoflorescence staining. This process is important in diagnosis and prognosis because when the integrity f a specimen retained, an accurate conclusion is drawn at the end of the examination of the specimen. This then will show whether the cells are cancerous or not, which will later help in forecasting the course of the disease. After fixation, dehydration and clearing o f the cells follow. The importance of this step is to ensure that cells are dry hence easing the process of specimen sectioning. It eases the process sectioning the specimen for easy visualization through the microscope. In histopathology, this process is important because when cells are cut into the recommended thinness, the various infections and abnormalities can be identified accurately when the specimen section is viewed under microscope (Keggar, 2006, 237). This helps
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The Autobiography of Malcolm X Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Autobiography of Malcolm X - Essay Example Here are the words that clear why he thought his men were controlled by the white Americans and what his people could do to overpower them and get their freedom permanently: The political philosophy of Black Nationalism means: We must control the politics and the politicians of our community. They must no longer take orders from outside forces. We will organize and sweep out of office all Negro politicians who are puppets for the outside forces.1 Above stated text of the statement was made by Malcolm X in the opening of his press conference at New York’s Park Sheraton Hotel, March 12. The mentioned quote tells us that Malcolm’s concern was not only the behaviors and oppositions of the white people but he believed that there were people inside his people who were basically the puppets controlled by the outside forces. 1. Sheppard Roland. â€Å"The assassinations of Malcolm X and martin Luther king, Jr.†The freedom that Malcolm X addressed was the freedom for indi viduals to accept themselves as they were and to not feel the pressure from the social order to work in the correspondence with their standards and not feel like they are beautiful as they are naturally. Malcolm wanted to make them realize that they would not have to dye their hair, or conk them to make them look like that of a white man and so on. Malcolm felt that the freedom is something that allows you to be yourself, and not feel pressured by other cultures to conform to their way of life. However, he later admitted that he was not as free as he initially thought he was, as he began to put conk in his hair to make them look like that of a white man’s. He realized that he didn’t have the freedom to accept himself as he was and that he felt the pressure from his friends and other surrounding people.  Malcolm describes the physical pain he endured so that he could feel the pride of belonging to Roxboro Hill. Nevertheless, later Malcolm realized that the pai n he was suffering for his hair was just a deceiving method used to help them (he and other black people) to ignore the real problems of being manipulated to cause harm to themselves by white society so that they could fit the standards of the white people instead of having the freedom to accept themselves as they were. After his visit to Mecca On March, 1964 after his visit to Mecca, Malcolm X explained his changed views on violence and racism in these words: â€Å"I don't speak against the sincere, well-meaning, good white people. I have learned that there are some. I have learned that not all white people are racists. I am speaking against and my fight is against the white racists. I believe that Negroes have the right to fight against these racists, by any means that are necessary.†1 1. John, Simkin. "Malcolm X: Biography." Malcolm continued; â€Å"I am for violence if non-violence means we continue postponing a solution to the American black man's problem - just to avoi d violence. I don't go for non-violence if it also means a delayed solution. To me a delayed solution is a non-solution. Or I'll say it another way. If it must take violence to get the black man his human rights in this country, I'm for violence exactly as you know the Irish, the Poles, or Jews would be if they were flagrantly discriminated against.†1 The hurdles he wanted to demolish The Biggest problem that Malcolm saw in his people was that they were not in a state of realization that they had all the
Personal and Professional Development Assignment - 1
Personal and Professional Development - Assignment Example The hotel is close to the Crystal Palace Theme Park Maze and is ideal for guests, who wish to â€Å"explore London†and it has â€Å"easy and fast transport†facilities to the city (Queens Hotel Crystal Palace London, 2013). Usually, visitors to London include businesspersons as well as tourists and the guests in the hotel are from the upper middle class group. Being from the educated, upwardly mobile segment, they expect very high quality of service. They also include people from a wide range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds and speak different languages. Though most of them speak good English, we often have guests from France, Germany, and South Korea etc who do not like to speak the language. I am somewhat comfortable with French and German but I do not know Korean. However, we have some staff from Asian countries and thus they are able to handle guests who do not speak English. The hotel has a good restaurant that serves multi cuisine and it is popular among many Londoners. It also has a bar and banquet hall. The hotel always has over 60 percent occupancy and it is rated over 4.8 in commercial sites. Thus, overall the quality expectation of the customers is quite high. Task-1 A. Benefits of Self-Managed Learning to Individuals/Organizations and Various Approaches to It: Employees can benefit from self-managed learning by acquiring higher qualifications that will enable them to handle their jobs better. Thus, they can earn promotions or be selected for higher positions in the same company that require higher qualifications. Besides, people who engage in self-managed learning become more confident and will be able to â€Å"solve problems on their own†(Beitler, 2005, Ch.4 p.8). Therefore, employees who pursue learning even after they are settled in a job will be able to update their knowledge and skills and will perform well in the respective job positions. This will increase their productivity and they will be able to receive all the b enefits that management offers to high performing individuals. In the modern day, with the advent of technology, various changes occur in the workplace and employees need to remain abreast of the developments. Continued self-managed learning or lifelong learning will enable them to acquire knowledge in technology and communication. From an organizational perspective, self managed learning will be highly beneficial as such individuals will be developing their learning without much liability or risk on the part of the company. Acquiring of knowledge by employees will enable them to be better motivated and it becomes advantageous to the organization as such individuals will be able to perform better in the assigned position. This will automatically increase the productivity and profitability of the company. However, evidence suggests that it is better to have a written learning agreement as it will help the employee remain focused and, besides, by incorporating it into the performance appraisal system, the organisation will attain better capability to â€Å"promote, reward, capture, and benefit from individual learning†(Beitler, 2005, Ch.4 p.11). In the modern world, technology offers a wide range of approaches for self managed learning in an organisational environment. In order to determine the right approach one should be able to identify and prioritise the â€Å"
Friday, August 23, 2019
How the media portrayals Los Angeles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
How the media portrayals Los Angeles - Essay Example However, issues such as homelessness, poverty, and unemployment are seldom brought to the limelight. In this perspective, the paper will argue that although there are people who lead lavish lifestyles in Los Angeles, there are numerous poor people who are unemployed and some even do not have houses to live in. LA is known for its celebrity culture as well as the film and television industry (Time Out). LA, nicknamed the City of Angels is known around the globe for the creation of television productions, recorded music, and video games, thus being the leader in the production of motion pictures as shown in the documentary Los Angeles Plays Itself. The media has often portrayed LA as place where people live lavish lifestyles and is full of celebrities, including dancer, filmmakers, musicians, actors, and writers living and working in LA. Such media include movies, television series, music, and video games. Some of the movies that talk about LA comprise of the following: Blade Runner (1982) that shows the dystopian LA in November 2019; the Terminator series that depicts the post-apocalyptic 2029 LA; LA Confidential (1997); Escape from LA, and The Core (2003) among others. Furthermore, some of the most popular television series that reference LA include FOX, Angel TV series, Law & Order: LA, Entourage TV series, L.A Law, and Real World: Los Angeles among others. However, in spite of the media showing LA as a place that is full of celebrities who own expensive cars and live in luxurious homes, there are numerous unemployed people and some are even homeless. Many are of the belief that homelessness is as a consequence of laziness or poor work ethic. Baker (417) argues that the increasing costs of acquiring living and poverty are other factors that contribute to homelessness in addition to unemployment and global conflict. Hafetz (1215) defines the homelessness as a person or family that has no access to fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Sony China Market Segmentation Essay Example for Free
Sony China Market Segmentation Essay Sony VAIO is the best computer that serves the needs of every customer and is not comparable at all. From the conducted 760 surveys, 18 percent are grouped in the segment of entertainment lovers. Then 88 percent of all the entertainment lovers plan to by a laptop within the next 12 months, according to Exhibit 8. Therefore, there are approximately 120 entertainment lovers likely to purchase a laptop within a year, of who about 8 would buy a Sony. In the Clues report there is an equally distribution across segments, although the problem is that the sample size is not sufficiently large and the gap between the last column of each segment is not obvious enough, which may make comparison more difficult to conduct. For the Compass report, the advantage is that the sample size is good and diversity of respondents is taken into account. There are clear gaps between the final results of each segment. However, the disadvantage is the bound for segmentation is unclear, which can cause confusion in selecting target segment. Mr. Lopez, as your market strategy is focused on the current loyalty and interest in Sony, the target of segmentation is to retain existing customers while at the same time grow the share of customers Sony’s products. Therefore, we believe that Sony should segment the market from a global perspective. Consequently, the Compass report, which segmented the market by purchase motivations, would be a better foundation under this marketing strategy because it involved a much larger base of respondents from various countries and regions of the world. It took much more diversified factors into the investigation of motivations behind buying decisions, which offered a crucial facilitation to the company to expand its foreign markets. With reference to the Compass study data in China shown in table 2, the best segments to be targeted are Techonosocializers, performance seekers and status focused customers, as the probability of purchasing a Sony computer within the next 12 months by these segments are relatively high than the remaining three segments. The motivations of buying decisions made by the three segments are to capture information from multimedia access, to facilitate online social networking and to reflect the social status of an individual. These motivations can be best served by Sony brand.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Types of Wild Tea
Types of Wild Tea Its quite disappointing that while we have been putting too much attention to the ballyhooed â€Å"Cheaper Medicine†Law, we failed to pursue with equal vigor a promising effort to develop medicines which come from the backyard garden. If we can just put our act together, we might be able to offer our people herbal remedies that could even be much more effective and wallet-friendly than the so called â€Å"cheaper†medicines we get from the drug store now. During the administration of President Ramos, in 1992 to be exact, the Department of Health under then Secretary Juan Flavier launched a nationwide Traditional Medicine Program for a period of 6 years, with technical support from the World Health Organization. According to Roger Lee Mendoza in his â€Å"A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Legalizing Complementary and Alternative Medicine†the said programs most notable accomplishment was the identification of 10 (out of 1,500) herbs for their safe (non-toxic) medicinal properties. The program clearly paved the way for what should have been follow-up efforts to develop these herbs for their possible therapeutic effects. You can get the list and more details from the website of the Philippine Herbal Medicine. Scientific background One of the medicinal plants thoroughly tested and clinically proven to have value in the relief and treatment of various ailments is Tsaang Gubat. Tsaang Gubat belongs to the Carmona Boraginaceae family of plants. It has many scientific names. In their study, Forest Starr, Kim Starr, and Lloyd Loope of the United States Geological Survey Biological Resources Division stationed in Maui, Hawaii as published in lists them down in their Latin names: Carmona retusa (Vahl) Masamune (Lorence et al. 1995, Wagner et al. 1999); C. microphylla (Lam.) Don; Ehretia microphylla Lam.; Ehretia buxifolia Roxb.; Cordia retusa Vahl (Lorence et al. 1995; Bailey and Bailey 1976; GRIN 2001). In the Philippines, its commonly known as tsaang gubat (â€Å"wild tea,†â€Å"forest tea. †or sometimes Philippine tea) But in the provinces, your neighborhood herbalist or plant expert would know it by its names in the local dialects: †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨In Luzon: Kalabong, Kalimumog, Katdalugod, Maragued, Mara-mara, Taglokot, Talibunog, Tsaang-gubat, Tsa-tsa. In the Visayas: Alibungog, Semente†¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨And in Mindanao: Alangitngit, Alingitngit, Truth to tell, tsaang gubat is more known as an ornamental plant than a medicinal herb. It was and still grown as bonsai because of its attractive appearance. The Starr research study cited previously mentions the fact that tsaang gubat is a â€Å" popular ornamental plant cultivated in Hawaii as a hedge or specimen plant.†How to identify it What exactly does it look like? So you would you be able to tell it apart from other shrubs, it is described as a low, woody plant with several stems. The book â€Å"Medicinal and Poisonous Plants†by de Padua and Bunyapraphatsara says that it grows to about 1 to 4 meters high. Its leaves are small and have dark, green and shiny upper surface. Because it can be found in secondary forest in low and medium altitude, its called â€Å"wild.†The medicinal property of tsaang gubat comes from its leaves which grow in clusters on short branches, 3-6 cm long, somewhat toothed or lobed near the apex and pointed at the base, short stalked and rough on the upper surface. Tsaang gubat bears small white flowers, axillary, solitary, 2 or 4 on a common stalk. It bears yellow fruits when ripe which are about 4-5 mm in diameter. Whats it good for? Old folks who most of the time know better, recommend it as a herbal remedy for many ailments. But for a start, its safe to drink it as your daily cup of tea for general good health. You dont have to go the forest to get tsaang gubat. It is now available in the form of herbal tea bags and in pills capsules at your local mall and herbal stores. My cursory look at tsaang gubat led me to which reveals that tsaang gubat in fact, has anti-bacterial and anti-allergenic properties. It also has fluoride so its a natural mouthwash. For the scientifically minded or just plain skeptics, the same site states that tsaang gubat has been studied for possible anti-allergic property because it contains â€Å"rosmarinic acid and microphyllone†which is believed to control allergy. It goes on to say that some studies also reveal that tsaang gubat leaves also show a â€Å"mixture of triterpenes- a-amyrin, ß-amyrin and baurenol and a wide range of bioactivity†including â€Å"analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-diarrheal and antibacterial activities.†On the other hand, for those of us who want it stated simply, the website of the Philippine Herbal Medicine enumerates the following ailments that can be relieved by tsaang gubat: Stomach pains Gastroenteritis Intestinal motility Dysentery Diarrhea or Loose Bowel Movement (LBM) Body cleanser/wash And in addition, because it is found that its leaves have high fluoride content. tsaang gubat is also used as a natural mouth wash for stronger teeth and prevent cavities. Sidebar:Preparing fresh tsaang gubat tea To prepare tsaang gubat tea, the same website recommends the following: Thoroughly wash the leaves of tsaang gubat in running water. Chop to a desirable size and boil 1 cup of chopped leaves in 2 cups of water. Boil in low heat for 15 to 20 minutes and drain. Take a cupful every 4 hours for diarrhea, gastroenteritis and stomach pains. Word of caution: if the stomachache or diarrhea is not relieved, it is advised that you see your doctor. The ailment could be caused by something else. In boiling the leaves in water, the article entitled â€Å"Herbal Medicines Part 1†published on September 14, 2006 in recommends suggests that you strictly follow these rules: a. Use only enameled container or claypot (palayok), never an aluminum pot.†¨ b. A standard glass or cup should contain 240 ml. or 8 fluid ounces of water. This measurement is the same as the content of a bottle or regular size softdrink bottle.†¨ c. Mix leaves in water before placing on fire.†¨ d. As soon as the mixture boils uncover the pot and let boil continuously for 15 minutes. Remember that the mixture should boil uncovered.†¨ e. Strain and let cool. You now have what is called decoction.†¨ For convenience, you may prepare enough decoction that you can use for several days. Simply adjust the amount of leaves to use according to the amount of water that you will boil. When stored in a thermo pot (termos ), the decoction should last for three days without losing its efficacy. If kept in a refrigerator, the decoction should last up to four days without losing its efficacy. Keep in mind, however, that whether kept in thermo pot or refrigerated the decoction must not be taken anymore when its color has changed or when it has grown molds or fungus. Tsaang gubat v.s. cancer? The latest news on tsaang gubat is that its good for fighting cancer. An article in the Philippine Daily Star reports that a Dr. Gerard Penecilla, a pharmaceutical scientist of the National Research Council of the Philippines has discovered the potential of two indigenous plants as cure for cancer, the third leading cause of death in the country. He found that banaba and tsaang gubat â€Å" have high potential in fighting growth and multiplication activities of cancer cells.†The report goes on to say that out of the many sample extracts tested, a certain dosage of tsaang gubat was found effective against cancer cell, the DOST said. It added that the scientist hopes this technique â€Å"could pave the way for the strong interaction and cooperation among the Filipino chemists, botanists, biologists, physicians and the government research funding institutions as well, in coming up with solid scientific research on medicinal plants that could aid local pharmaceutical companies to produce anticancer medicine at very low cost.†And thats exactly our point at the start. If only we can just get our act together and pursue with greater vigor these kinds of initiatives in the development of our local herbs, then we are on the right road towards keeping the cost of medical care much lower than we have right now. And come to think of it, these potent herbal remedies are practically just in our own backyards. What these promising research findings of Dr. Penecilla also indicate is that weve just barely scratched the surface on what tsaang gubat and other herbs can do for our health. Further research and test will prove their full potency in fighting more serious diseases. For now, when its time for your tea break, go wild for a change over tsaang gubat, the wild tea thats good for you. Sources: â€Å"Halamang Gamot at Mga Sakit†published by Sto. Nino Catholic House, Inc. â€Å"Nature Healers,†edited by Ana May A. Artus, published by Cebu Green Emerald Publishing Co., Cebu City, Philippines,1994 â€Å"A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Legalizing Complementary and Alternative Medicine†Roger Lee Mendoza, USA Journal of Social Sciences 6 (1): 74-84, 2010 ISSN 1549-3652  © 2010 Science Publications â€Å"Herbal Medicines Part 1†September 14, 2006 â€Å"Bioactivity studies on triterpenes isolated from carmona retusa (vahl) masam. leaves†a research study by Irene M. Villaseà ±or, Arlyn P. Canlas, Karen M. Faustino, Katherine G. Plana, Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines, Diliman â€Å"Carmona retusa Carmona Boraginaceae†by Forest Starr, Kim Starr, and Lloyd Loope United States Geological SurveyBiological Resources Division Haleakala Field Station, Maui, HawaiI, January, 2003 published in de Padua,L.S., N. Bunyapraphatsara, R.H.M.J. Lemmens (Editors). 1999. Plant Resources of South East Asia 12(1) Medicinal and Poisonous Plants. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, the Netherlands.771 pp. â€Å"Banaba, tsaang gubat vs cancer?†as published in July 18, 2008.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Ipad Is The Best Tablet Computer Science Essay
Ipad Is The Best Tablet Computer Science Essay IPad a computer that is a type of a tablet, and it was developed by the Apple Company. Apple designed and marketed the IPad especially for the media which include books, periodicals, movies, music, and games. Another purpose of the Apple to design the IPad is to provide general web and email access. The size and weight of the IPad that are about 700 grams is contemporary among all the smart phones and the laptops. Apple introduces the IPad in April, 2010 and on this release Apple sold about three million IPads in the first eighty days. The operating system of the IPad is almost the same as the operating system of the IPod Touch and IPhone. As the I Phone the IPad is also managed and controlled by the multi touch display that is sensitive to the fingertip contact and up to eleven fingers. IPad is different among the previous tablet computers in a way that previous tablets used the pressure triggered a stylus on the other hand IPad can run not only the I Phone applications, but also ru n its own specific applications, but IPad can only run Apples approved programs and the programs that have in its online stores. IPad for the browsing of the internet, load and stream media and for the installing of software uses the Wi-Fi or a 3G mobile data connection. (Introduction of IPad, (2011)) Hardware Screen and Input: The display of the IPad is the liquid crystal and it touch screen is the about 25 cm. It has fingerprint and scratch resistant glasses the users can use their bare fingers to use it like the IPhones. The users of IPad cannot use the normal gloves and styli because they dont pass on the electrical conductivity, but in market special gloves and styli are available that can be used for the IPad. IPads display screen responds to the two sensors such as an ambient light sensor and 3-axis accelerometer that are respectively adjust the screen brightness and sense IPad orientation. The 3-axis accelerometer also used to switch between portrait and landscape mode. (Introduction of IPad, (2011)) Connectivity: IPad can use wireless or wired connection for the wireless purpose it can use Wi-Fi network trilateration from the skyhook wireless this provide the IPad applications location information the applications such as Google maps and for the wired connectivity it has a dock connector. IPad has a 3.5 mm TRS connector audio that provides the stereo sound for the headphones and two internal speakers. IPad has also a microphone for the purpose of voice recording and a built in Bluetooth 2.1 and EDR interface that not only allows the wireless headphones but also keyboard with all this connectivity devices IPad has 1024768 VGA video output that connect the IPad with the television or other external devices. (Introduction of IPad, (2011)) Power and Battery: The batteries that IPad used is from the Taiwan by Simplo Technology and Dynapack International Technology it is an internal rechargeable lithium ion polymer battery and its adapter is of USB 10 W power and it comes in three internal storage sizes flash drive that are 16, 32 and 64 GB it also have camera connection kit with an SD card reader but the problem is that this card only be used to transfer the photos and videos. (Introduction of IPad, (2011)) Software: As describe earlier IPad can only run the software that are available in the Apple online stores and these software written by the IPads developers theses developers have to pay for the license. IPad has a feature that it can run all the iPhones applications in it modified the screen resolution according to the program or applications. (Introduction of IPad, (2011)) Applications: IPad has many applications in it some of them are Safari, Mail, Video, YouTube, iPod, iTunes, App Store, iBook, Maps, Notes, Calendar, Contacts and Spotlight search and form these many application are the improved version of the iPhones applications. (Introduction of IPad, (2011)) Why IPad is The Best Tablet? IPad is the best tablet it can be seen from the fact that more and more companies are introducing IPads that have more and more extraordinary features in them. (Svensson, (2012)). As a report shows that when we talk about the tablet IPad is still the best tablet according to Chitika firm analytics when the people views for the tablet they mostly viewed for the IPad analytics report IPad page views have 87 percent share of the activity on the internet while searching for the tablet and it is for its features that it has. (Reyes, (2013)). IPad is the best tablet in a way that it consumes less power it has some features that is useful for the customer that is it has accelerator in it that horizontally and vertically adjust the screen and also a light sensor which prevent the human eyes from the rays. It is a multi-tasking device. IPad is the best tablet because it can be beneficial for the academics like the teachers, students use it as a paper replacements because by using the IPads the one can preserves the formatting and also use it to display the figures, diagrams, different images and different types of charts. The teachers can use it to describe different concepts that cannot be understood theoretically by giving the online examples in front of the Students. This not only clears the concepts of the students, but also enhance the capabilities in them and also the self-confidence. Students can use IPads to do work at nights easily because it is comes in approximately 10 inch screen and also less heavy than the traditional computers. IPads screen resolution also low because it has LED screen that is not harmful for the eyes. You can read the whole books on the IPads. (Golub, (2010)). IPad has the built in apps in them that is very useful for the people that use it like Google chrome, Facebook, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft outlook etc. These in built apps useful for all the people like office employees, students, and teachers. People can easily search the content they want and get connected with the people. IPad the best tablet because by using its store app one can have access to the television streaming and the movies. One can download the books easily and also can read the internet content when you are not online by saving the content in a reading list. It is a very useful app that can be used by the people. (Parkhurst, (2012)) IPad is the best tablet in a way that its different apps are very useful in the daily and tough routine of the peoples like in the tough working routine IPads video apps is a very useful app to refresh yourself by watching movies or listen to the good music in front of a tiny screen instead of the large screen obviously we cannot compare the TV with the IPad, but watching movies or your different shows on the IPad tablet making feel you closer and real. Many devices like Apple TV or the Xbox 360 helps to overcome the difference between the content that is on the internet and the TVs that you use in your living room but when you are getting use to of the device like IPad that have speed and convenience then it is difficult to switch off to the technology that is not as convenient and responsive. (Sintumang, (2012)). By using the different magazines and news apps the house wives can enjoy the fashion news, gossips and also keep pace with the world by updating their minds from the news apps. (Caplan, (2012)). The feature that makes IPad best tablet is because it is a device that has all the features in one. Its different apps for engineers and accountants are also a prominent feature. Its journal apps like My Own Diary HD, iJournaler and Max Journal for IPad is very use full for the offices employees. By using these apps you can easily enter the entries in the journal and after completion it is automatically update the date and the ease is that you can export it not only by emailing but also by the file sharing like text files, PDFs. (Wolfe, (2010)) Whenever you want to go anywhere for a long time and want to take all your necessary office items, your books and other things with you but you also want to reduce your packing then what is the way? One easy way is that you can use your IPad. By using the IPads you can have all your books, your maps and also you can use your IPad as your travel guide if you are going for an outing. If you want to know the best places of the country you are going to then by using IPad you can search the latest reviews about the countrys best hotels, finest places and it is not only a time saving process but also more timely and reliable. (Rawlinson, (2011)) Conclusion: As the above discussion clearly shows that the IPad is the best tablet as the first paragraph shows describes the point that in different reports shows that IPad is still the best tablet when the people search for the tablet and thats why the companies are launching the new versions of the IPads and increase the features for the people convenience and for providing them all the ease that they can in terms of technology. First paragraph shows some outlook features of IPad that is its size, its accelerator and light sensor. The second paragraph shows the importance of IPads in the academics that is it is very useful for the student, teachers like the teachers and student can use it for the paper replacement they can use IPads to writing the notes and displaying the figures, graphs and charts. The teachers can use the IPads to explain the concepts to the students that cannot be understood theoretically. The third paragraphs shows that IPads have different built in apps in them like Micr osoft outlook, Facebook, Google Chrome that help the people to stay in touch with their loved ones and for increasing the social network. These apps are also useful for the people in the office to search the material they are looking for and to increase their working capabilities. Fourth paragraph describes that the store app of the IPad is useful to store the books and download them easily the people can also save the online content in a reading list and can read it even if you are not online. Fifth paragraph describes that the IPad can be used as a refreshment tool by watching movies and listening music on it as in the tough working routine IPad is very useful to refresh the mind. Sixth paragraph shows that the IPad app of magazines and news is very prominent app as the house wives and the office going people can keep them updated by the daily news. Seventh paragraph describes the apps for the engineers and accountant that they can use different apps to overcome their work load an d make the work easy for them. Eight paragraph shows that IPad can used as a tourist guide that it can help you to locate the different places and the best restaurant of the country you are going. You can use the IPad to reduce your bulk packing as it provides you the apps and features that helps you in all your way.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Lord Of The Flies :: essays research papers
Select one chapter from Lord of the Flies and assess its importance to the novel as a whole. ‘Lord of the Flies’ is about what happens to a group of schoolboys when they are abandoned on an island following a plane crash. Chapter eight ‘Gift for the Darkness’ has much significance in the novel, as it is here that Simon converses with ‘The Lord of the Flies’. Jack separates himself from Ralph’s group, showing that Jack has now been consumed by evil. The signal fire is moved and now there are two marked rival groups on the island, one belonging to Jack and the other Ralph. Chapter eight, ‘Gift for the Darkness’, has many themes, one of the most prominent being the Beast, which is the boys’ greatest fear. In chapter seven they had come across a dead parachutist and had believed it to be a beast. The beast represents the evil residing within everyone. The Beast is used as a scapegoat by the boys to avoid self-knowledge. Golding uses the boys’ daydreams to show their fears and desires. The Beast gives the boys’ fear something to focus on. Golding expresses various types of fears in the book and many are apparent in chapter eight. There is fear that all is not known concerning the Beast. â€Å"The beast had teeth†¦ and big black eyes.†The boys did not actually see the Beast and are making this up. This only causes their fear to escalate except for Piggy’s. He is by far the most intellectual and skeptical of the boys. He knows that the adult world and books would not abide by the legend of the ‘beastie’. Just after the only kill in chapter eight, the boys’ gradual degeneration into savages is obvious by their actions: â€Å"Then Jack found the throat and the hot blood spouted over his hands†¦then Jack grabbed Maurice and rubbed the stuff over his cheeks.†This is almost a tribal ritual making a mask. The boys use masks to cover their identity and this allows them to kill. â€Å"He was safe from the shame or self-consciousness behind the mask†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This illustrates that the mask somehow gives the boys a sense of security. â€Å"Demoniac figures with faces of white and red and green rushed out howling†¦Ã¢â‚¬ From this quote it can be seen that the boys have totally lost their individuality and become like animals, almost indistinguishable from the other.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Ecstacy :: essays research papers
Ecstacy is one of the most addictive drugs out today. Most users of this addictive drug is either at a club or on the street. "Nearly all of the first time users 30% of those have fatal effects on the user (Cranford 12)" They end up usually in a deep coma or they die. Most users want ecstacy either because they heard of the high that they get from the use, or they are trying to impress their peers. They usually get into deep side effects. Some code names for ecstacy at a club are Game High, Tasty Treat, G Squared, and BW3. Some code names for ecstacy on the street are usually Special Tab, Hidden High, Relax Tab and Rough Ride. The street version is way more potent than the club version. The one in the clubs are usually either fake or not very strong. They usually dont give out a major dose, they usually rip off the user by saying "this is the best stuff you can buy possible." Which is a major lie to the user, but he just needs that little high to calm his need of ecstacy at a low rate. Most code names vary depending where you are in the country or world. There are totally opposite names for ecstacy in new york and L.A. Some side effects after use of ecstacy are heart rate increases, blood pressure sky rockets, and usually dosent come down for a period of time. Vision come a little distorted but the user just dosent mind that, they just need a little fix for the night to have a little fun. The vision turns to about 20-75, they can still see fine, they may ocasionally see a double vision. They feel this effect as if they are really light headed or just feeling really dizzy at moments. That need of that same effect of the first time of use, usually gets that first time user hooked on the drug. They try to get a fix everytime they feel like they need a fix. That usually happens about 12-24 hrs. after each use. Thats for a periodical user. Most users dont abuse the drug to often. " The user just needs that little bit of a high and dosent abuse but likes the effects of the major high (Richardson 15)." The user likes the feel of being in a high and dosent want to come down from that. Ecstacy :: essays research papers Ecstacy is one of the most addictive drugs out today. Most users of this addictive drug is either at a club or on the street. "Nearly all of the first time users 30% of those have fatal effects on the user (Cranford 12)" They end up usually in a deep coma or they die. Most users want ecstacy either because they heard of the high that they get from the use, or they are trying to impress their peers. They usually get into deep side effects. Some code names for ecstacy at a club are Game High, Tasty Treat, G Squared, and BW3. Some code names for ecstacy on the street are usually Special Tab, Hidden High, Relax Tab and Rough Ride. The street version is way more potent than the club version. The one in the clubs are usually either fake or not very strong. They usually dont give out a major dose, they usually rip off the user by saying "this is the best stuff you can buy possible." Which is a major lie to the user, but he just needs that little high to calm his need of ecstacy at a low rate. Most code names vary depending where you are in the country or world. There are totally opposite names for ecstacy in new york and L.A. Some side effects after use of ecstacy are heart rate increases, blood pressure sky rockets, and usually dosent come down for a period of time. Vision come a little distorted but the user just dosent mind that, they just need a little fix for the night to have a little fun. The vision turns to about 20-75, they can still see fine, they may ocasionally see a double vision. They feel this effect as if they are really light headed or just feeling really dizzy at moments. That need of that same effect of the first time of use, usually gets that first time user hooked on the drug. They try to get a fix everytime they feel like they need a fix. That usually happens about 12-24 hrs. after each use. Thats for a periodical user. Most users dont abuse the drug to often. " The user just needs that little bit of a high and dosent abuse but likes the effects of the major high (Richardson 15)." The user likes the feel of being in a high and dosent want to come down from that.
Hidden Fraud in Trollope’s The Way We Live Now :: Literature Fortune Papers
Hidden Fraud in Trollope’s The Way We Live Now Hamilton K. Fisker supplies â€Å"the impetus for rolling Augustus Melmotte onwards into almost unprecedented commercial greatness†(Trollope 1.324). While his character occupies very little narrative space, Fisker functions as the catalyst which sets the novel’s financial ventures in motion; Melmotte rolls because Fisker has pushed. Not only does Fisker bring the Great South Central Pacific and Mexican Railway (or at least the prospectus) to England, but he also delimits the board members’ role in the venture. He places Melmotte, the novel’s â€Å"great financier,†in charge and repels Paul Montague’s desire to involve himself as an active director in the railroad’s daily operations (1.217). Fisker rejects Paul’s attempt to oversee the Mexican Railroad’s actualization by arguing that building railway lines does not concern an investor such as Paul: But Fisker got the better of him and put him down. â€Å"Fortune! what fortune had either of us? A few beggarly thousands of dollars not worth talking of, and barely sufficient to enable a man to look at an enterprise. And now where are you? look here, sir;  there’s more to be got out of the smashing up of such an affair as this, if it should smash up, than could be made by years of hard work out of such fortunes as yours and mine in the regular way of trade.†Paul Montague certainly did not love Mr Fisker personally, nor did he relish his commercial doctrines; but he allowed himself to be carried away by them. (1.85) If Fisker’s momentum rolls Melmotte, it carries away Paul, and the force of Fisker’s rhetoric subjugates Paul to his â€Å"commercial doctrines†: Fisker â€Å"put him down.†Fisker gets the â€Å"better†of Paul by making speech subservient to lucrative economic principles. He does not want Paul to enforce honest practices in the railroad’s financial transactions. Fisker’s first commercial doctrine, then, declares that we should consider small investors â€Å"not worth talking of.†Since small, individual investments financed the majority of English railway ventures in Victorian England (Robb 36), Fisker essentially declares that the Mexican Railway’s investors should not receive any narrative attention. Even though Paul does not love Fisker or respect him personally, Fisker’s dominant narrative carries him away. Similarly, even though The Way We Live Now cynically satirizes fraudulent business practices, T rollope takes Fisker’s declaration that a few thousand dollars are â€Å"not worth talking of†to heart.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
The Potential Market for Apple Ipad in the Uk
The Potential Market for Apple iPad in the UK Table of contents 1. 0Introduction3 2. 0Creative thinking3 3. 0Recommendations for successfully marketing iPad in the UK3 4. 0Conclusion4 References5 1. 0 Introduction After iSlate and iGuide, iPad as another tablet-shaped computer was launched by Apple. The various applications of the iPad are very attractive for customers, but it also has some shortcomings including high price and the same user interface as iPhone. The company prepares to set foot in the UK market. The purpose of this report is to identify how the iPad can be successfully marketed in the UK.Firstly, the main body of the report will briefly introduce creative thinking. Then, it will present the approaches for marketing iPad in the UK successfully. After that, it will make a conclusion in a few words. 2. 0 Creative thinking Creative thinking plays a significant part in constantly increasing the amounts of human knowledge, improving perceptivity of human being, as well as opening up new situation for practice. Creativity is the basis for generating innovation which is favorable to improve organizational competitiveness in the marketplace (Amabile, et al, 1996).It can be seen that creative thinking plays a significant role in the success or failure of new product or services in the market. Innovation can be driven by leadership, people management, knowledge management, and creativity management (Prajogo and Ahmed, 2006). The sources of creativity and innovation are people including customers, specialists, groups and teams, as well as individuals. Apple can be regarded as an innovative firm. Its innovation capacity comes from innovative chief executive. How to market its products creatively is very crucial for the success of product sales, which ill be discussed in the next section. 3. 0 Recommendations for successfully marketing iPad in the UK Marketing is the root for the survival and development of an organization. Over time, a large number of marke ting approaches come to the market, including relationship marketing, direct marketing, service marketing, internet marketing, international marketing and brand marketing and so on. Successful product marketing should attach much importance to many aspects such as market demand, customer preference, price, and marketing mix and etc.The following paragraphs will suggest ways how the iPad can be marketed successfully in the UK. In order to successfully marketing product or services in a new market, the first and most important thing for an organization to do is market research. In this way, the organization can better meet customer demands and preferences by analyzing market researching findings. In general, market research consists of four steps, that is, gathering the data, integrating the evidence, unraveling the insight, and telling the story (Rawlinson, 1970).It is known that iPhone has obtained remarkable success in the market. Owing to this, iPad has already employed the iPhone -style user interface (Johnson and Arthur, 2010). It is apparently that iPad is not creative in this aspect as a result of passive consumption. For successfully marketing, the company must attempt to persuade consumers to accept the uncommonness of the product. The key lies in how to promote its advantages overwhelming its advantages. As a whole, the company must explain clearly about the creation of the product so as to attract the attention of consumers.Otherwise, the marketing of the iPad will suffer from the impediment or even resistance from consumers. In the next place, marketing strategy is one of important factors to help the organization to remain invincible in the increasingly dramatic market competition. The iPad can provide numerous applications for customers but not only limited to web browsing, email and reading e-books (Johnson and Arthur, 2010). At the beginning, Apple did not make a price for iPad in the UK market. However, according to the surveys, a great many cus tomers in theUK reveal that iPad is excessively expensive (Harvey, 2010). It can be seen that cost is a key factor to determine if iPad can be successfully marketed in the UK. On one hand, the company should employ appropriately pricing strategy. Pricing strategies include skimming, market pricing and penetration pricing (Sutton-Brady and Beal, 2008). It is obviously that the UK is a new potential market for Apple. The key for the survival of the company in the new market is to stimulate market and capture market share. For this reason, penetration pricing strategy should be adopted by the company.On the other hand, the company should attempt to reduce cost as much as possible by all means. The last but not the least, promotional methods are also of great importance to the sales of products. Traditional promotional mix mainly includes the elements such as advertising, personnel selling, direct marketing, sales promotion, and public relation. Among them, advertising is an important t ool for marketing at any time. Both mature and blind consumers will be guided by the advertisement. What’s more, the returns from advertising are also impressive at short notice.In addition, public relation makes great contribution to corporate image and marketing. However, with the development of media technology, the promotional mix is taking place great changes. Moreover, the communication has already gone through four ages from interruption, entertainment, engagement to dialogue. From this aspect, it can be said that the iPad has already done a good job for media in different sectors including print and publishing, television, and advertising (Arthur, Anderson and Sweney, 2010). It has satisfied the customer demands on entertainment and engagement.According to the statistics, 70% of the content of the web will be user generated until 2010 (Daugherty, Eastin and Bright, 2008). From this, it can be seen that it is very important for an organization to interact with customer s. For this reason, customer engagement and interaction should be embodied in every link of marketing. The advertising ideas of iPad will be multiplatform rather than the â€Å"big TV campaign†mentality; furthermore, it will develop creative advertising ideas by a spectrum of consumer engagement (Arthur, Anderson and Sweney, 2010).From the perspective of public relation, traditional public relation messaging techniques may not be perceived as authentic any more. On the contrary, the company should regard user reviews and comments as the new word of mouth. Their messages will become the critical factors to improve the leadership of Apple in the UK market. 4. 0 Conclusion To sum up, marketing is extremely important for the development and expansion of an organization. The report has firstly introduced a little about creative thinking. Then, it has demonstrated how the iPad can be successfully marketed in the UK.Firstly, the company needs to conduct market research and make cor respondingly responses by market analysis. Secondly, the company is necessary to formulate appropriately pricing strategy. Thirdly, the company must focus on the interaction with customers in the age of media technology. The iPad can be marketed successfully by effective market reaction, correct pricing strategy, as well as frequent interaction with consumers. References Amabile, T. et al, (1996) Assessing the work environment for creativity, Academy of Management Journal, 39 (5): 1154-1184. Arthur, C. Anderson, K. and Sweney, M. (2010) A Good Job for Media, http://www. guardian. co. uk/media/2010/feb/01/ipad-imapact-on-media, Date accessed on June 8, 2010. Daugherty, T. , Eastin, M. S. and Bright, L. (2008) Exploring Consumer Motivations for Creating User-Generated Content, Journal of Interactive Advertising, 8(2): 1-24. Harvey, M. (2010) British Buyers will Pay More for iPad, but Critics Say Wait, http://business. timesonline. co. uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/technology/articl e7119823. ece, Date accessed on June 8, 2010. Johnson, B. and Arthur, C. 2010) Apple iPad: The Wait is over – but is it Future of Media or Oversized Phone? http://www. guardian. co. uk/technology/2010/jan/27/apple-ipad-tablet-computer-k indle, Date accessed on June 8, 2010. Prajogo, D. I. and Ahmed, P. K. (2006) Relationship between Innovation Stimulus, Innovation Capacity, and Innovation Performance, R&D Management, 36(5): 499-515. Rawlinson, J. G. (1970) Creative Thinking and Brainstorming, London: British Institute of Management. Sutton-Brady, C. and Beal, T. (2008) International Marketing, South Melbourne, Vic: Thomson Learning Australia.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Othello Plot Points Essay
Othello’s Ensign, hates him cause he’s black, wants Cassio’s job, believes he would be better Cassio- Innocent Party, gets a job as Othello’s Lieutenant, gets into a fight and his stripped of rank, but goes to Desdemonia to try and win back Othello’s favour Roderigo- Loves Desdemonia, is persuaded by Iago to attempt to kill Cassio, is murdered by Iago to remain silent (d) Emilia- Married to Iago, gives iago the handkerchief that convinces Othello that Desdemonia and Cassio had a relationship (d) Plot Othello marries Desdemonia in secret. However Roderigo goes to her father and blows their cover. Othello is forced to defend himself from accusations of witchcraft. News of a Turkish invasion of Cyprus reaches Venice, and Othello, with Cassio his new Lieutenant, and Iago, his ensign, are deployed to Cyprus to defend against the Turkish fleet. Desdemonia is allowed to accompany Othello, and Emilia, Iago’s wife, accompanies her as her attendant. Th e enemy fleet is destroyed by a storm. Othello calls for a celebration, during which Iago gets Cassio drunk, who causes a fight. Othello strips him of his rank, and blames him for the disturbance caused by Iago. However, Iago tells Cassio to go to Desdemonia, and convince her to try to plead his case. Whilst Cassio does this, Iago goes to Othello and hints that Cassio and Desdemonia are having an affair. For the rest of the film, â€Å"Honest Iago†controls the actions of the characters, turning Othello against his wife and Roderigo against Cassio so that, at the end of the play, Roderigo attempts to murder Cassio, while Othello smothers his wife after accusing her of betraying him and having an affair with Cassio. Roderigo fails, and after he is identified as Cassio’s attacker Iago murders him, claiming to have been overcome with rage, but really silencing to cover his involvement. Othello then murders his wife, however Emilia walks in calls for help. As the truth comes out, Othello realises his wife was innocent. Iago murders his wife after she reveals what he has done. He is then captured and brought before Othello, who stabs him but does not murder him, saying he would prefer Iago live in pain for the rest of his life than die. Othello then kills himself out of guilt at what he has done. Iago is hauled off to be tortured, and Cassio is made Governer of Cyrpus. The end.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Father John World Youth Day Speech Essay
The Holy Father John Paul II starts off his speech by analogizing the young people of the world. It is the celebration of the 20th world youth day. The theme of the next world youth day is â€Å"we have come to worship him. †it is a theme that allows young people from all over the world to follow in spirit the path taken by the Magi, and meet the Messiah. Just like the Magi the young people are setting out on a journey from every region of the world to go to Cologne. You mist be prepared spiritually, with full faith and hear what God has to say. The only reason that the Magi made it to Bethlehem was because they allowed themselves to robe guided by the star. It is important to pay attention to the signs that God is using to call us and guide us. When we are aware that he is leading us then we experience great happiness and a urge to meet him. He started off as poor to show us his divine glory which we shall achieve in heaven. We are set before the mystery of a God who lowered himself to take on human form to give up his life on the cross. Even though he had great wealth he became poor so that we may become wealthy. Faithfully following the path of our savior from the time of his birth to the time of his death we can better understand the mystery of his love which redeems us. The child born of Mary is the Man-God. That same savior is present in the Eucharist. He offers himself to us as the food of eternal life. As the Magi worshiped him in Mary’s arms we can worship him in the Eucharist. The Magi gave the Messiah gifts which symbolize true worship. We to offer the Lord gold but it is our freedom to follow him out of love, and responding faithfully to his call. We should be worshippers of the only true God, giving him pride of place in your lives. Sadly there are people who look for the solution to their problems in religious practices that are not compatible with the Christian faith. Reject the desire of wealth and the lustful temptations. Listening to God causes us to make brave choices, and sometimes may be seen as something heroic. Those who are called to serve him in priesthood must not be afraid. Even those who are not baptized are ignited to attend world youth day. By meeting in Cologne we are becoming better Christian people. This speech that was by father John Paul II was very good. I feel as if we are just like the Magi in a lot of way. There are so many things that the Magi did back then when Jesus was born that symbolizes stuff that we can do in today’s world. The first is worshiping the Eucharist as the Magi worshiped baby Jesus. Just like they showed their faith in God and followed the signs that he presented to them, we can follow God’s signs by not ignoring his calls to us to take up priesthood. As the Magi went to Bethlehem to worship the Lord when we to can worship the lord by going to church and participating in religious practices. If we choose the right choices in life and follow Christ like the Magi’s did then when can achieve eternal happiness.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Expectation About the Internet Technology and Web Design
My Expectation about The Internet Technology and Web Designing Nowadays, Internet technology and web designing spread so fast. Most people today use the internet in order to acces any information they needed. computers are the most influential tools in our lives, they are our present and futureSo do I. I am very interested in this matter. From an early age I’ve always been deeply interested in computing. It was my dad, introducing me to the computer systems at his work place that first sparked this interest. I can always remember the feeling of wanting to know just how computers worked, why they worked and what else they could do.This interest never left me, only growing more profound and passionate with every new discovery I made. From communicating with an artificial intelligence to seeing the wonders of the Internet for the first time, computers have left me fascinated with just how much power yet mystery they hold. I took this course because I really want to learn more abo ut the internet technologies and web designing. I want to have my own website. I think that this subject is going to be hard because we have to know the coding to create a certain web page.I think the coding is like (HTML) Hypertext Markup Language used to tell a browser how to present information or C++. But I am not worry much about this, because my lecturer will be teaching me and of course she will make me understand about this subject. She’s an expert in internet and web designing I will learn and focus on this subject so that it can help me to developed more on this subject in the future. I hope after I learning this subject, I could make and have my own web site. I will try my best to score an ‘A’ in this subject. InsyaAllah.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Marketing - Essay Example There is huge diversity in McDonald’s advertisements and its creativity which touches the target group. Indeed, one of its advertisements in Sweden cycle stand depicts fresh carrot and at other places, the crosswalk is painted as McDonald’s fries. When big and juicy burgers were introduced in Stockholm outlets, big posters at major transport centers were made up of same material as that of napkins which could be ripped off! Indeed, most interesting aspect of McDonald’s advertisements is that they portray liveliness and include diversity within it. Various TV commercials and roadside hoardings of ‘I m lovin it’ are prime example of inclusion. Another important factor that integrates all its advertisements formats is McDonald’s intention to send the message that it wants to meet the changing preferences of the people and has serious intentions to ensure that its customers are satisfied. They also highlight environmental concern, healthy diet and tickle the funny bone with the humor within its advertisements. (words: 265)
Monday, August 12, 2019
Reliability Standards&Regulations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Reliability Standards&Regulations - Essay Example t establishes a framework for eco-design requirements for Energy-using-Products which aims to contribute to sustainable development by increasing energy efficiency and protecting the environment while increasing the security of the energy supply. ‘Action should be taken during the design phase of EuP since it appears that the pollution caused during a product’s life cycle is determined at that stage, and most of the costs involved are committed then. If products have a standby mode, this is likely to be affected with a maximum consumption level in this mode. Standby mode is used where the equipment needs to be reactivated remotely or is required to carry out a function as displaying a clock. The maximum power consumption in standby mode depends on the equipment’s function and 1 watt decreasing to 0.5 watts is being proposed for products that use standby as a re-activation function only.. Televisions, microwave ovens, computer monitors, etc will need to be designed to ensure that this is not exceeded. This requirement has far-reaching implications as every function within a product circuitry will need to be reviewed to determine how the power consumption can be reduced. Many products cannot be completely shut down as the off-switch disconnects the input power supply from other parts of the equipment but does not disconnect the power supply from the mains. This is termed â€Å"Off-mode†and it is proposed to restrict power consumption of equipment in this mode initially to 1 watt and, two years later, to 0.5
Water Pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Water Pollution - Essay Example Limitation of fresh water is an ever growing danger, despite water being a renewable resource. Agriculture, according to environmentalists, affects lakes, rivers, and other important estuaries. On the other hand, most agricultural operations are counter-productive to the growth of most crops because of different varieties of water pollution (Maude 129). It is because of contamination of sediments, bacteria emanating from animal manure, and nitrogen from fertilizers. These comprise some of the agricultural factors interfering with most fresh water bodies. Availability of fresh water bodies in most parts of the globe also signify the renewability of the resource for consumption by the human population. For instance, 2.53 percent entails the entire fresh water spread across the globe. It demonstrates the limitation is growing gradually because of human waste and pollution (Maude 139). The wastage of 2 million tons daily, according to a U.N. report, projects danger as opposed to the accusations that agriculture is the central cause of water pollution. Potentiality of climate change and extreme pollution caused by depositing of industrial refuse into water bodies is another example of effects on fresh water bodies often ignored. The World Water Report has distributed figures in regards to nations that will suffer from water problems in the future. It places the figure at 2 billion per 48 nations or 7 billion for 60 countries without factoring the implications of agriculture in the overall problem.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Report explaining the difficulties in recruiting, training, motivating Essay
Report explaining the difficulties in recruiting, training, motivating and rewarding staff in a given Financial Services company - Essay Example current employees, the research findings revealed that employees are very much satisfied with NatWest’s training and development programme including its motivational strategies and reward system. However, there is a need for NatWest HR manager to consider the importance of job analysis to increase the company’s ability of hiring the right person to perform a specific role and responsibility within the financial institution. A member of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group – the Group, the National Westminster Bank also known as â€Å"NatWest†was established back in 1968 when the National Provincial Bank and Westminster Bank decided to enter a merger contract (NatWest, 2009a). Since then, NatWest managed to establish 3,600 branches that provide the people with a wide-range of personal, business, and commercial banking services such as the use of debit and credit cards, telephone banking, home, car, and commercial loans, corporate bonds, Wealth management services, and the touch-screen share dealings which assists the UK government’s privatization programme among others (NatWest, 2009a, b) The application of effective recruitment process, training programmes, motivational strategies, and rewarding of staff are among the key issues that needs to be addressed to enable NatWest’s HR manager to keep employees satisfied with their current job. In line with this, a quantitative and qualitative research survey will be conducted to examine NatWest’s employees’ perception with regards to the company’s recruitment process, training programmes, motivational strategies and reward system. Based on the research findings, difficulties and challenges NatWest is facing will be identified. Considering the global crisis, financial institutions around the world are facing tight competition in terms of being able to capture a bigger market share as compared to other financial institutions. In line with this, the HR manager of NatWest plays a crucial role in terms of
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Persuasive Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Persuasive - Essay Example Statistics also reveal that 34% of women become pregnant at least once before the age of 20 (Teen pregnancy statistics, n.d; Facts on American, 2010; Tanne, 2005). Such unprotected or unwanted sex increases the risk of both unwanted teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (Facts on American, 2010). Additionally teenage pregnancy also affects the studies and career of the teenager and also the children born from such pregnancies suffer from problems such as low-birth weight and tend to perform less well in school compared to children born to adult mothers (Teen pregnancy statistics, n.d). While abstinence from sex is widely recommended for teenagers, many pediatricians and health counselors have also recommended that they also have access to birth control and emergency contraceptive options (Teen pregnancy statistics, n.d). Denial of access to information pertaining to sexual activity or contraceptive measures has not reduced the occurrence of unwanted pregnancies or s exually transmitted diseases according to studies (Wind, 2005). The need to educate teenagers about birth control and emergency contraception measures has been reinforced by pediatricians as they believe that preaching sexual abstinence alone will not help to reduce unwanted or unintended pregnancies. The pediatricians have suggested these updates as part of the teen pregnancy policy of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Teaching mere abstinence from sex will only drive the teenagers to engage in sexual acts and a lack of knowledge about safe sexual practices will only compound the issue (Tanner, 2005). Hence many pediatricians have recommended that in addition to counseling teenagers to postpone sexual activity it is also impertinent that they be educated about birth control measures and also ensure proper access to emergency contraception which would be vital in cases such as unintended or forces sexual
Friday, August 9, 2019
Financial Institutions and Instruments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Financial Institutions and Instruments - Essay Example An investment strategy has more to do with responsibly, and often conservatively, managing an investment portfolio in order to maximize gains with a minimum of maintenance, a low number of transactions (and their attendant costs), and a minimum of risk. This paper will explore the investment strategy approach for the most part, whilst also exploring some of the more simplified and well-tested technical strategies of the trading approach. A simplified investment strategy is the one most likely to be employed by an ordinary person with a modest portfolio, a minimum amount of time to devote to managing that portfolio, and limited ability, desire, and/or resources to devote to the use of sophisticated analysis tools. In other words, the kind of person who has a day job as opposed to being a fulltime day trader, and needs a strategy that includes a fair degree of automatic execution and pre-determined portfolio protection devices. Finding a consistent strategy that meets these requirements would be useful to a great number of people who are currently disadvantaged in the area of maximizing their investment gains by lack of financial resources, time, and expertise, whilst at the same time they may be very dependent on their investment pe rformance for their future financial security needs. Much work has been done in pursuit of a system that would consistently provide excess returns, with mixed results. The very existence of technical analysis seems to belie the Efficient Market Hypothesis. Some researchers have concluded that "technical rules do not earn excess profits over a simple buy-and-hold strategy," (Beechey, Gruen, and Vickery, 2000). However, there are aspects of market performance that are not completely explained by EMH, and the available evidence suggests that "financial market returns are partly predictable, in ways that sometimes conflict with the Efficient Market Hypothesis" (Beechey, et al, 2000). Other discordant findings regarding the EMH versus actual stock performance include evidence that in the stock market, "shares with high returns continue to produce high returns in the short run (momentum effects). In the long run, shares with low price-earnings ratios, high book-to-market-value ratios, and other measures of 'value' outperform the market (value effects)." Further, "at times, asset prices appear to be significantly misaligned, for extended period," (Beechey, et al, 2000). Whenever inefficiencies such as misalignments or mispricings occur, an opportunity for excess returns also occurs - if someone with a technical analysis filter is watching for them and knows when and how to act on them. At best it would seem the EMH semi-strong or weak version best describes what is observed in the markets. Therefore it would seem that there may, after all, be something to be gained from at least a cursory investigation of the technical analysis tools that are most readily available to the average investor, and that are easy to understand and use, and that is the criteria that was used when choosing technical analysis tools for inclusion in the investment strategy that will be outlined herein. St. George's Bank has been traded on the Australian exchange since 1992, and is currently the fifth largest bank in Australia. It shares with the banking sector a 100%
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Survey Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Survey - Research Paper Example Achieving the desired goals entails hard work and dedication. Improving the body shape is a critical part of in determining ones self image, and hence having the goal in mind is always key to help one push through the program. A fitness program has one main aim which is to stimulate ones metabolism resulting in a reduction of body fats. Gathering the right information involves knowing all the facts about increasing the rate of metabolism. Consuming the right quantities of food in the diet plays a critical role. Proteins play an important role in supporting and building the muscles which are very active tissues in metabolism process. Consuming sufficient proteins every day is therefore key in the success of the program. Another important component in diet is carbohydrates, which act as the source of energy calories. The ideal diet combination involving all the food components would include protein the size of a palm, complex carbohydrates, the size of a fist and a portion of vegetables the size of a fist. Adopting a regular exercise program is key in attaining fitness. Weight training is an important aspect in the exercise program as it helps in building muscles that assist in burning fats and calories, increases the rate of metabolism, helps create better shape and improves body strength and endurance. Regular work outs should also include cardiovascular exercises that lead to increased energy levels and improved cardiovascular
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